Discover important Go package dependencies with graph centrality scores on the package import DAG.
Example usage:
$ go get -u
$ pkgrank crypto/...
0.046325 unsafe
0.042954 io
0.040090 hash
0.037120 errors
0.033212 crypto/internal/subtle
0.030669 strconv
0.028647 math/big
0.028464 crypto
0.026904 sync
0.024728 crypto/subtle
0.024202 internal/cpu
0.022593 crypto/cipher
0.019348 runtime
0.018613 crypto/internal/randutil
0.017637 encoding/asn1
0.017253 time
0.017235 encoding/binary
Use --prefix
to filter package imports with the given prefix, or --pkg
iterate over imports by package, instead of by file.
Current implementation is naive by calling out to go list
subprocesses. And
currently only pagerank centrality is implemented. Nodes are packages, and
edges are directed graph of A >- imports -> B. Edge weights are the number of
times that package A imports package B, which may be multiple if files are
iterated over instead of packages with --pkg
Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE.