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A format runner for Neovim.


We want to thank the neoformat contributors. They developed a lot of formatter configurations that we used as a reference to create our own opt-in default formatter configurations.


  • Written in Lua
  • Asynchronous execution
  • Buffer locking
  • Opt-in default formatter configurations
  • Conditional formatting
  • Before/after format hooks


With packer.nvim:

require('packer').use { 'mhartington/formatter.nvim' }

With paq-nvim:

require("paq") { 'mhartington/formatter.nvim' }

With vim-plug:

Plug 'mhartington/formatter.nvim'

With Vundle.vim:

Plugin 'mhartington/formatter.nvim'

With vim-pathogen:

cd ~/.vim/bundle && \
git clone

With dein.vim:

call dein#add('mhartington/formatter.nvim')



-- Utilities for creating configurations
local util = require "formatter.util"

-- Provides the Format, FormatWrite, FormatLock, and FormatWriteLock commands
require("formatter").setup {
  -- Enable or disable logging
  logging = true,
  -- Set the log level
  log_level = vim.log.levels.WARN,
  -- All formatter configurations are opt-in
  filetype = {
    -- Formatter configurations for filetype "lua" go here
    -- and will be executed in order
    lua = {
      -- "formatter.filetypes.lua" defines default configurations for the
      -- "lua" filetype

      -- You can also define your own configuration
        -- Supports conditional formatting
        if util.get_current_buffer_file_name() == "special.lua" then
          return nil

        -- Full specification of configurations is down below and in Vim help
        -- files
        return {
          exe = "stylua",
          args = {
          stdin = true,

    -- Use the special "*" filetype for defining formatter configurations on
    -- any filetype
    ["*"] = {
      -- "formatter.filetypes.any" defines default configurations for any
      -- filetype

Opt-in formatters

By default, there are no preconfigured formatters. You can opt-into default configurations per formatter, default configurations per filetype, and default configurations for any filetype or write your own. It is hard to predict what everyone wants, but at the same time we realize that most formatter configurations are the same. See the discussion in #97 for more information.

You can use the default configurations per formatter, default configurations per filetype, and default configurations for any filetype as a starting point for creating your configurations. Feel free to contribute to this repository by creating or improving default configurations that everyone can use! The guide for contributing to default configurations is below.

You can use the util module which has various functions that help with creating default configurations as shown above.

Map keys

nnoremap <silent> <leader>f :Format<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>F :FormatWrite<CR>

Format after save

augroup FormatAutogroup
  autocmd BufWritePost * FormatWrite
augroup END

Before/after format hooks

You can execute code before and after formatting like so:

augroup FormatAutogroup
  autocmd User FormatterPre lua print "This will print before formatting"
  autocmd User FormatterPost lua print "This will print after formatting"
augroup END

Note that these commands are executed using silent when the log_level is higher than vim.log.levels.DEBUG.

Buffer locking

Use the FormatLock and FormatWriteLock commands instead of Format and FormatWrite to lock the buffer (set buffer option modifiable to false) while formatting.

Configuration specification

Each formatter configuration is a function that returns a table. Because each entry is a function, the tables for each filetype act as an ordered list (or array). This means things run in the order you list them, keep this in mind. You can also return nil from these functions to conditionally apply formatters.

Each formatter configuration should return a table that consist of:

  • exe: the program you wish to run.
  • args: a table of arguments to pass (optional)
  • stdin: if it should use the standard input (optional)
  • cwd : the path to run the program from (optional)
  • try_node_modules: tries to run a formatter from locally install npm packages (optional) (to be implemented)
  • no_append : don't append the path of the file to the formatter command (optional)
  • ignore_exitcode : set to true if the program expects non-zero success exit code (optional)
  • transform : pass a function that takes in the formatted text and returns the text to be applied to the buffer (optional) (see ruby rubocop default formatter configuration as an example)
  • tempfile_dir: directory for temp file when not using stdin (optional)
  • tempfile_prefix: prefix for temp file when not using stdin (optional)
  • tempfile_postfix: postfix for temp file when not using stdin (optional)


The cwd argument can be used for in example monolithic projects which contain sources with different styles. Setting cwd to the path of the file being formatted causes, for example, clang-format to search for the nearest .clang-format file in the file's parent directories.


The try_node_modules argument is not yet implemented, but feel free to use this argument in your configurations. When we add support for it, you get the node_modules package scanning functionality automatically!


The no_append argument is important for formatters that don't take the path to the formatted file as the last argument. A small minority of formatters take the path to the formatted file as a named argument. For an example, check the default javascript prettydiff configuration.


Refer to the file for more information.


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  • Lua 88.7%
  • Rust 6.2%
  • Vim Script 2.1%
  • JavaScript 1.4%
  • TypeScript 1.4%
  • Python 0.2%