彭 B-name
小 I-name
军 I-name
认 O
为 O
, O
国 O
内 O
银 O
行 O
现 O
在 O
走 O
的 O
是 O
台 B-address
湾 I-address
温 B-name
格 I-name
的 O
球 O
队 O
终 O
于 O
python == 3.7.4
pytorch == 1.3.1
pytorch-crf == 0.7.2
pytorch-transformers == 1.2.0
python ner.py \
--model_name_or_path ${BERT_BASE_DIR} \
--do_train True \
--do_eval True \
--do_test True \
--max_seq_length 256 \
--train_file ${DATA_DIR}/train.txt \
--eval_file ${DATA_DIR}/dev.txt \
--test_file ${DATA_DIR}/test.txt \
--train_batch_size 32 \
--eval_batch_size 32 \
--num_train_epochs 10 \
--do_lower_case \
--logging_steps 200 \
--need_birnn True \
--rnn_dim 256 \
--clean True \
--output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR
processed 50260 tokens with 3072 phrases; found: 3363 phrases; correct: 2457.
accuracy: 94.08%; precision: 73.06%; recall: 79.98%; FB1: 76.36
address: precision: 54.63%; recall: 63.27%; FB1: 58.63 432
book: precision: 77.02%; recall: 80.52%; FB1: 78.73 161
company: precision: 72.58%; recall: 81.22%; FB1: 76.65 423
game: precision: 78.27%; recall: 89.15%; FB1: 83.36 336
government: precision: 75.36%; recall: 85.43%; FB1: 80.08 280
movie: precision: 82.19%; recall: 79.47%; FB1: 80.81 146
name: precision: 84.35%; recall: 89.25%; FB1: 86.73 492
organization: precision: 71.15%; recall: 79.29%; FB1: 75.00 409
position: precision: 74.46%; recall: 79.45%; FB1: 76.87 462
scene: precision: 65.77%; recall: 69.86%; FB1: 67.75 222
processed 50260 tokens with 3072 phrases; found: 3293 phrases; correct: 2463.
accuracy: 94.10%; precision: 74.80%; recall: 80.18%; FB1: 77.39
address: precision: 55.40%; recall: 63.27%; FB1: 59.07 426
book: precision: 76.54%; recall: 80.52%; FB1: 78.48 162
company: precision: 76.05%; recall: 81.48%; FB1: 78.67 405
game: precision: 77.95%; recall: 87.46%; FB1: 82.43 331
government: precision: 75.00%; recall: 85.02%; FB1: 79.70 280
movie: precision: 84.00%; recall: 83.44%; FB1: 83.72 150
name: precision: 85.29%; recall: 87.31%; FB1: 86.29 476
organization: precision: 76.76%; recall: 80.11%; FB1: 78.40 383
position: precision: 75.58%; recall: 82.22%; FB1: 78.76 471
scene: precision: 69.38%; recall: 69.38%; FB1: 69.38 209