Georgia Tech OMSCS Database Concepts project. Web application for managing emergency resources built with Python, Flask, and MySQL. Design requirements for the project are in the specifications.pdf file.
Instructions and dependencies needed for development
You'll need the following tools to run the application:
To use Docker, ensure that you have Docker and Docker Compose installed properly. Then, from the project directory, issue the following commands:
- this starts all the necessary componentsdocker/
- this logs into the web app and lets you run bash commands
After executing those commands you will be logged into the virtual machine and in the project directory on the VM. When finished you may exit the VM and then execute to clean up:
The service runs when Docker is initially started using docker/
. If you
need to access the process then the following can help:
- Once everything is complete execute the command
to log into the Virtual Machine - Navigate to the project by executing
cd code
- To re-start the flask server from the same directory execute
python src/
- You can now reach the app from your computer's browser, just go to
- You can now reach the app from your computer's browser, just go to
MySQL also should be currently running now and is reachable from logging into
its Docker container as well, login with the following:
- user: root
- password: password
- Ex: mysql -h -u root --password='password'
should open the
MySQL prompt
The application should be reachable from your browser at http://localhost:5000/
once the Vagrant box is running. There are 4 users built into the application
for testing and all use the password password
- user1
- user2
- user3
- user4