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HG's Dashboard Project to bootstrap full stack TypeScript projects.

Working on the local development environment

Fetching source code

git clone hg-dashboard
cd hg-dashboard
git submodule update --init --recursive

Building local environment

docker-compose build

Local environment using non-persistent memory repository

The memory based repository saves everything to non-persistent local memory.

It's faster, but doesn't persist any state between runs. It also doesn't need any initialization tasks.

docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.memory.yml build
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.memory.yml up

However, it's useful only for development.

Local environment with Synapse server

Our default environment uses Synapse Matrix server to store persistent data to PostgreSQL database.

Synapse is the official Matrix server. It's written using Python programming language.

Initializing Synapse server

You'll need to create an account for the application on the Synapse server before starting up everything.

First start up only your Matrix server:

docker-compose up -d hg-dashboard-io

This needs to be run only once -- and if you clean up your ./io/data/homeserver.db:

docker exec -it hg-dashboard-io register_new_matrix_user http://localhost:8008 -c /data/homeserver.yaml --no-admin -u app -p p4sSw0rd123

Once added, you can stop the Matrix server:

docker-compose down -d hg-dashboard-io

Starting environment (with Synapse Matrix server)

docker-compose up

Local environment with Dendrite Matrix server

Dendrite is another implementation for Matrix. It's written using Go programming language.

Initializing Dendrite Matrix server

You'll need to create an account for the application on the Dendrite server before starting up everything.

First start up only your Matrix server:

docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.dendrite.yml up -d hg-dashboard-io-dendrite

Then create the account for the app:

docker exec -it hg-dashboard-io-dendrite /usr/bin/create-account -config /etc/dendrite/dendrite.yaml -username app -password p4sSw0rd123

Once added, you can stop the Matrix server:

docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.dendrite.yml down -d hg-dashboard-io-dendrite

Starting environment (with Dendrite Matrix server)

docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.dendrite.yml up

Using the development environment

Available Docker services

Once services are running, following services are available:

Development frontend

Once you run npm start inside the frontend directory, the app will be available at:

Logging in to the dashboard

By default, only users using email addresses from accepted domains can log in and create initial workspaces.

You don't need to have access to the email address to use the development system. Any email message the local system sends can be read from the MailHog interface at localhost:8025. The verification code is also printed on the server's debug log.

You can change this domain by changing VALID_ADMIN_DOMAINS array at backend/src//fi/hg/dashboard/constants/dashboard-api.ts. It defaults to the domain and You need to build the system again to make the change work.

Once a user with another email address is added to a workspace they can log in to the system -- even if not using example domains.

Update all git submodules

We have a script to update all changes from upstream git repositories.


It will read .gitmodules and use it to fetch all submodules using git pull inside submodule folders. It will pull also the main git repository.

Running tests

For testing, you need to have full docker environment running.

Then open another terminal and go to the testing folder:

cd testing

Install testing environment

npm install

Running tests

npm test

Working on the GitHub

Advices about working on GitHub environment.

Find and set project on unlisted issues

Our issue templates do not set the project automatically. Because of that, it's common that some issues are left unlisted on the board.

You can find unlisted issues with a search label -project:PROJECT where the PROJECT is heusalagroup/1 for example.

  1. Go to the Issues page (e.g. with -project:heusalagroup/1, any issue not in the MVP project)
  2. Select all found issues
  3. Set project as MVP

Find and set unlabeled issues

Sometimes some issues are created without any labels.

  1. Go to the Issues page (e.g. with no:label, any issue without label)
  2. Select issues of specific type (e.g. [Task] in the title means tasks)
  3. Set label to those types (e.g. task for tasks)

Starting production environment

This is the easiest way to run the full environment.

BACKEND_JWT_SECRET='secret-code' \
docker-compose -f up -d


Connection aborted / Failed to execute script docker-compose

docker.errors.DockerException: Error while fetching server API version: ('Connection aborted.', FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory'))
[8089] Failed to execute script docker-compose

You'll need to start up Docker Engine first :)