This is a console-based program for turning text into madlibs and filling them out. Written in Python and using the Natural Language Toolkit for part of speech parsing.
Written during Hacker School, Batch[4], Fall 2012.
Run this command:
python TEXT
where TEXT is the name of the text file to convert into a madlib.
-u, --url specify text source is url
If this option is included, TEXT parameter will be treated as a url. This feature is not yet complete. Ideally, text would be extracted from the provided url.
-a, --auto-fill automatically fill in madlib
If this option is included, the madlib will be filled in automatically, using random words from the news category of the Brown corpus that comes with nltk. Otherwise, the default is to prompt the user to fill in the parts of speech.
- NN = noun
- NNS = plural noun
- VB = verb, present tense
- VBD = verb, past tense
- VBG = verb, progressive tense ('-ing')
- JJ = adjective
##Todo/Extension Ideas
- properly scrape url for main text content
- add more parts of speech
- better parts of speech tagging, resolve ambiguous words
- validate user responses