This is an implementation of Conway's Game of Life written as an exercise in learning Python, Pygame, and MVC. Written during Hacker School, Batch[4], Fall 2012.
The universe is an infinite grid of square cells, each dead or alive. A cell dies or lives on to the next generation based on the states of its 8 neighbors. For every tick in time:
- any live cell with less than 2 live neighbors dies
- any live cell with exactly 2 or 3 live neighbors continues living
- any live cell with more than 3 live neighbors dies
- any dead cell with exactly 3 live neighbors becomes alive
- Python 2.7.3
- Pygame
- a clone of this repo:
git clone
Run python
and behold, the universe!
- Use the mouse to configure the universe's cells (the squares).
- Hit the
key to see them come to life. - Hit
again to pause. - You can continue configuring cells while the universe is live or paused.
- black = dead
- green = alive
- blue = your mouse position
- red = selected (configuring)
MVC + Event Manager structure modeled after this pygame tutorial. : defines event classes and queues up event notifications to broadcast to registered listeners. :
the model.
class maintains the game's state.
class represents the universe as 2-D list of 0s and 1s, where 0 is a dead cell and 1 is a live cell, and handles logic for evolution of cells from one generation to the next. : the view, which consists of a background with lines to depict a grid. Uses pygame sprites and sprite groups to render and update colored cells. :
the controller.
class runs the game clock.
class handles mouse and keyboard input.
##Todo/Extension Ideas
- add a start/splash screen
- enable player to specify universe dimensions
- provide preconfigured patterns
- go backwards in time?!?!