Dive into the digital adaptation of "Nugget Rush", inspired by a classic board game. Created in a week as a front-end application, it utilizes the Canvas API for smooth gameplay. Join the quest to become a millionare!
In Nugget Rush Tycoon
users will be able to:
- Interact with canvas drawings
- Show a loading bar, character animation and sound effect
- Purchase items from the shop
- Recieve ammounts of gold
- Keep a running total
In addition, this project will include:
- Set a maximum amount of gold
- Item-specific store inventory
- Scalable code
- Background music
- Sophisticated styling
- Canvas
- Vanilla JavaScript
Friday Afternoon & Weekend
- Add header / shop canvas elements
- Add background image
- Create button functionality
- Add running total
- Develop randomness logic
- Implement sprites + game assets
- Build shop functionality
- Pay for hired-help (auto-clickers)
- Modify nugget probablities
- Purchase new equipment
- Add animations
- Add sound effects
- Add menu options
- Add mute button
- Add pause button
- Create win/lose conditions
Thursday Morning
- Finishing touches
- Expanded shop
- New canvas element for each item
- Complex animations
- Random Adversity events