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WANDA is a command-line termination tool. Given a file describing a (higher-order) term rewriting system, she will return YES (the system is terminating), NO (the system is non-terminating) or MAYBE (termination status could not be determined).

The theory used in Wanda can be found at:

Command-line arguments:

  • <filename> If no file name is given, the user is prompted to type in a system in AFSM format. If several files are given, termination is proved for all of them.
  • <time> By default, a purely numeric input to WANDA is assumed to be the timeout; this number is completely ignored (for the moment).
  • --verbose, -v Give additional comments during execution, such as describing what the tool is doing. When verbose is enabled, the proof output is printed during executing, rather than afterwards.
  • --silent, -s By default WANDA prints YES/NO/MAYBE followed by an explanation (a proof, counter example or the reason why deciding was difficult). You can suppress this by choosing silent mode.
  • --formal, -l This forces Wanda to limit interest to techniques that have been formalised, and prints the output in a formal way.
  • --rewrite, -r Rather than proving termination, the user is prompted to type in a term, and this term is rewritten following the rules.
  • --format=<format>, -f <format> Rather than choosing the standard formalism associated with a file's extension, consider all input files in the given formalism. Choices are currently afsm and atrs.
  • --firstorder=<file>, -i <file> WANDA uses a first-order termination prover, located in the resources/ directory, to prove termination of the first order part of the rules. With this argument you can indicate which file in the resources/ directory should be used. If none is indicated, WANDA will not attempt to use a first-order prover. If this is omitted, the file "firstorderprover" will be used. By default, this file is a version of NaTT. If you do not wish to use a first-order prover, just use -i none.
  • --firstordernon=<file>, -n <file> Similar as --firstorder=, but considering a separate prover that is used for non-termination analysis.
  • --disable=<list>, -d <list> You can disable certain features of WANDA; for example to disable non-termination proving and rules removal, use --disable=nt,rr or -d nt,rr (note that there is no space after the comma!). The things you can disable are:
    • nt: non-termination proving
    • rr: direct use of reduction pairs and reduction pairs inside rule removal
    • rem: rule removal (ordering all rules at the same time is still possible)
    • dp: the dependency pair framework
    • static: the static dependency pair framework
    • dynamic: the dynamic dependency pair framework
    • sc: the subterm criterion (in the dependeny pair framework)
    • fr: formative rules
    • ur: usable rules
    • fwrt: formative rules with respect to an argument filtering
    • uwrt: usable rules with respect to an argument filtering
    • local: using tags and suchlike improvements for locality
    • graph: use the dependency graph
    • poly: polynomial interpretations
    • pprod: polynomial interpretations with products
    • horpo: recursive path ordering
  • --query=<property>, -q <property> Query whether the system has the given property; outputs YES or NO and does nothing else. The property must be one of the following:
    • etalong
    • baseoutputs
    • local
    • pfp
    • strongpfp
    • leftlinear
    • fullyextended
    • algebraic (no meta-variables occur below an abstraction)
    • argumentfree (meta-variables do not take arguments)
  • --show, -w Just show the system (possibly converting it to an AFSM first) and abort.
  • --debug, -D Give additional debug information during execution. More verbose than verbose, this is really just for debugging problems (for example, the entire formula table of HORPO is printed).
  • --style=<style>, -y <style> Creates output of the given style for the proof; default is plain. Possible styles are:
    • html: creates a single html-page
    • plain: just ascii
    • ansi: just ascii, but with ansi-colour characters
    • utf: prints to the terminal using utf8-characters
    • ansiutf: prints to the terminal using utf8-characters and ansi-colour
  • --output=<filename>, -o <filename> Prints only the YES/NO/MAYBE to stdout, and the rest to the given file.

Although multiple input formalisms are supported, they are all converted to AFSMs, which is WANDA's underlying formalism.

The following extensions are currently supported:

  • file.afsm -- an input file in graphical afsm format
  • file.atrs -- an input file in untyped applicative format (human-readable); this is automatically assigned a monomorphic typing
  • file.afs -- an input file in Jouannaud's AFS format, using simple types (this is a human-readable variation of the competition's xml format)
  • file.xml -- the competition's xml format, encoding an afs

In the future, the following extensions are also intended to be supported:

  • file.prs -- an input file in Nipkow's PRS format

Example input files of all the supported formalisms are in the benchmarks/ folder.

Note: a default sat-solver is supplied in the resources/ folder (this is an old version of minisat). You can replace this by another sat-solver with similar input and output.

Note: the afsm input format requires all identifiers to be built exclusively from alphanumberic characters (and potentially the special character '!').

CONVERTER is a tool for converting between the four formalisms named above (although conversion to .atrs is not possible). Just run converter.exe without further arguments for an overview of the syntax.


a higher-order termination tool







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