This is a fully functional ToDo Application built on Kotlin for the Frontend and it is also use different RestAPI developed in different programming languages.
- MultiUsers support
- Test different programming languages for the BackEnd
- Compare the benefits of using RestAPI and GrapQL
- Apply best practices: refactoring, clean Code, design patterns
- Write unit, functional and integration tests
- Evaluate the potential security holes of the application
- oldstable: Task Crud(01-03-2024)
- experimental: User Login
- Data storage: sqLite if the app is offline / noSQL
- FrontEnd: Kotlin
- BackEnd: RestAPI and GraphQL developed using different programming languages and frameworks
- Sign-Up / Login
- View available tasks filter by users
- OldStable : deprecated versions of the project
- Stable: current or latest official version
- Unstable: sourcecode that has not been tested and approved
- Experimental: sourcecode in progress
Please refer to the Issues section in this repository
- Released on: Jun 11st 2024
- Based on JPA
- this version won't be tested
- Commit ID: (#38)
- Released on: Jun 10th 2024
- Based on Hibernate
- Unit and Integration testing written in JUnit
- Commit ID: ( typescript -> experimental -> main
- Released on:
- Unit and Integration testing written in Jest
- health check routine:
- official mysql docker documentation:
- JWT Implementation
- Data seeding
- Data seeding 2
- JWT Implementation v2