Let's Order is an Application to buy and sell products and services.
The intention is not to be the next Super-App, we believe each business has to know their clients and their needs, that's why Let's Order helps to strength that relationship building a permanent channel of communication so the clients can receive what they are expecting and the business can offer their products and services specially designed.
This is a demo project, my intention is to practice my code skills and apply routines of automated tests, moreover, it is to refactor the code across future version and put an extra eye on pitfalls that developers left behind and it becomes security holes.
- Front End: React JS 17.0.1, Functional Components, Hooks, Context-API
- Back End: Firebase, Ruby on Rails 6 (RestAPI)
- Read available products from Firebase
- Add a single product to the shopping cart
- Add a product with more than one item
- Review the shopping cart and update/remove items
- Add Order's details.
- Read available products from Ruby on Rails RestAPI deployed on Heroku
- Add a single product to the shopping cart
- Add a product with more than one item
- Review the shopping cart and update/remove items
- Add Order's details.
- Place the order to Ruby on Rails RestAPI
SignUp and SignIn on local environment
I've uploaded to Youtube the coding process of V1
- Front End: React - Redux, User's Login, Place the order
- Back End: Node JS (Express)