Simple app that plays keystroke sounds on your computer like the terminals in Fallout 3 / NV. Also plays terminal start up / shut down sounds anytime you launch mac terminal / iterm2.
#Features and Settings
- Toggle mute
- Toggle whether to play sounds outside terminals
- compatible with Cool CRT
#Installation Requires Mac OS X 10. It hasn't been tested on any other versions but it SHOULD work run on earlier versions up to snow leopard.
- Download Xcode and open the project on there.
- Export a binary by selecting product > archive > export > export as a Mac application.
- In order to hear the sounds, you must give permissions to your exported binary under preferences > security & privacy > privacy > Accessibility (add the exported app here)
You can check out a photo of my terminal here
I'm currently using iterm2 with:
Foreground color: #29E18C
Background color: #0E2E20
Text Font: Fixedsys 20