Check ISP network connectivity and send a notification on failure.
- Unraid 6.12.10
- Uptime Kuma
A remote instance of Uptime Kuma is required in order to receive notifications when monitoring your home internet connectivity.
In Uptime Kuma create a Push Monitor and note the Push URL.
I host this script on Unraid since it's on 24/7 but the script could be run on another device. For example, pfsense or any other host on your home network which is constantly powered on.
In the Unraid web interface, access Settings\UserScripts:
- Add a New Script, give it a name like check-isp
- Edit the script
- Copy & Paste the contents of the script from here..
- Add a cron schedule
- Update the script's BASE_URL with the Uptime Kuma Push URL.
- Check if the scripts LOG path location is correct.
Test the script is running as expected by running manually, then scheduled via cron.
# Run every minute
* * * * * /home/[USERID]/
If the Push URL does not receive a HTTP request within Heart Beat internal (default 60 seconds), an alert will be triggered.
Status and Uptime Uptime Kuma Badges can be configured.