Allows requesting preview and publishing of Leanpub books directly from inside IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm or other IntelliJ-based IDE's.
You can install the plugin from the Plugin Repository.
You can also download the latest binary from the TeamCity server and install from disk.
Download and run
gradle build
It uses the Gradle IntelliJ Plugin to build plugins which does all the heavyweight lifting. Note, this is not the Gradle plugin for IntelliJ IDEA (which already ships with the IDE) but a Gradle plugin for plugin development. Inception?
The plugin requires two configuration parameters:
- Book Slug
The API can be generated from your Author Dashboard on Leanpub. The book slug corresponds to the URL of your book without the domain name. For instance, if your Leanpub book is at:
the slug would be:
The plugin installs two menu entries under Tools | Leanpub. The first one generates a complete preview of the book whereas the Publish publishes the book.
If the operation is successful, you'll get notified with a balloon message and shortly afterwards your book will be available in the Dropbox folder your Leanpub account is linked to.
If an error occurs, you'll also be notified.
Settings are per project so you can use different API/Slugs for different projects.
Licensed under MIT
(C) Copyright 2016 Hadi Hariri