Mobile manipulation of the 'youBot' using MATLAB and Coppelia Sim.
- Runscript.m: initialize all variables, create a robot object from the Robot class, and displays the steps on the MATLAB console.
- Robot.m: class for the robot, has all the properties and methods used in the implementation.
- trajDuration.m: function that calculates the duration of each trajectory follow by the robot.
- Rotz.m: taken from the Spatial Math Toolbox for MATLAB (SMTB). Rotates angle around the z axis. Used for convenience.
I set a simple trayectory rather than a more complex one. The robot tends to give equal priority between the wheel movement and the arm joints movement.
Also, when kp = 0 and ki = x > 0, the system is unstable and therefore, the robot do not accomplish the desired end configuration.
Modern Robotics library for MATLAB. Available in
- Sim: final movement of the robot in Coppelia Sim.
- ErrorPlot: plot of the 6 errors for angular and linear velocities vs time.
- Log: console output in MATLAB.
- Trayectory: csv file with the trayectory generated for the robot.
- Xerr: MATLAB file with the error data.
- Animation: input file for the Coppelia Sim.
- Parameters: according to the movement in the video.
Tested an overshoot case when the error transient response can be appreciated. The parameters are specified.