This is the CatFactory package for Dapper.
CatFactory is a scaffolding engine for .NET Core built with C#.
The concept behind CatFactory is to import an existing database from SQL Server instance and then to scaffold a target technology.
We can also replace the database from SQL Server instance with an in-memory database.
The flow to import an existing database is:
- Create Database Factory
- Import Database
- Create instance of Project (Entity Framework Core, Dapper, etc)
- Build Features (One feature per schema)
- Scaffold objects, these methods read all objects from database and create instances for code builders
You can make a donation via PayPal using this link:
Thanks for your help! ==^^==
You can check the Wiki
to get code snippets for this package.
Also these technologies are supported:
There will be a lot of improvements for CatFactory on road:
- Scaffolding Services Layer
- Dapper Integration for ASP.NET Core
- MD files
- Scaffolding C# Client for ASP.NET Web API
- Scaffolding Unit Tests for ASP.NET Core
- Scaffolding Integration Tests for ASP.NET Core
- Scaffolding Angular
Database Type
Project Selection
Event Handlers to Scaffold
Database Object Model
Import Bag
Read more on: Concepts behind CatFactory
Read more on: Packages Features Chart
Scaffolding Dapper with CatFactory
Scaffolding View Models with CatFactory
Scaffolding Entity Framework Core 2 with CatFactory