RProgress is react ajax loader progress bar with clear API.
It's helpful to create Ajax-heavy apps. Library use API to manage progress bar.
Example: http://xnimorz.github.io/rprogress/
npm install --save rprogress
yarn add rprogress
There are several ways to use rprogress.js :
import { RProgress, RProgressApi } from 'rprogress';
import { RProgress, RProgressApi } from 'rprogress/lib/index';
Then you need to add css-loader to your webpack config file.
For example:
test: /\.css$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(
RProgress support css-modules, but you can compile css without them:
test: /\.css$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(
In this case rprogress will use "rpgogress", "rprogress-overlay" css classes.
import { RProgress, RProgressAPI } from 'rprogress/src';
Then you need to add babel-loader for javascript code and css-loader with css-modules for styles to your webpack config file.
Such as:
module: {
loaders: [
{ test: /\.jsx?$/, loader: "babel-loader"},
test: /\.css$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract(
Also you can open webpack.config.js or webpack.example.js (without css-modules) to check webpack configs.
RProgressApi.start() - show progress. Progress position will be from 0 to 12%
RProgressApi.step() - increase progress position by 10%
RProgressApi.step(to) - set up progress position to to%
RProgressApi.complete() - set up progress position to 100% and close progress when animation is over
RProgressApi.release() - set up progress position to 0
RProgressApi.subscribe(callback) - call callback-function after any progress position changes
RProgressApi.toggleAnimation(animationEnableFlag) - turn off\on auto-progress
Progress bar indicate working and after every 500ms animate himself. In this case progress bar position increase up to 2%
You can turn off auto-progress call RProgressApi.toggleAnimation(false)
React.render(<RProgress color='#21B919' />);
RProgress supports two types:
(default) progress barcycle
Turn on cycle type:
React.render(<RProgress type='cycle' />);
import { RProgress } from 'rprogress';
import 'myStylesClass.css';
React.render(<RProgress className='myStylesClass' />);