Hotel Booking project
Microservice with Java Spring boot
Service discovery and registration: Netflix Eureka
Edge/proxy server: Zuul
- Client : RestTemplate, FeignClient, Eureka
Load balancing: Ribbon
Circuit breaker : Hystrix
- Hotel
- User
- Booking
Monitoring dashboard: Nexflix Turbine
- User Turbine with Hystrix: http://localhost:8989/
- You should start RabbitMQ server
- Set up Hystrix dashboard
- Create Turbine service
- Docker
- Install with docker
- docker-machine rm default
- docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 4096 default
- Building Docker images with Maven :
- User Docker Maven plugin
- Configure properties:
Spring profile : Docker
IP address set: true with Eureka(preferIp)
User Eureka server hostname
Run :
mvn -P docker clean package
Config Docker Maven plugin
Create Dockerfile
Config docker-assembly.xml
Build Docker image :
mvn docker:build
Build Docker image :
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 hihi/hotel-service:-SNAPSHOT
Run Docker using Maven:
- Add Configuration in pom.xml
- Run :
mvc docker:start
Integration testing with Docker
- Use plugin: Failsafe
- Config Failsafe: pass service URL in service.url tag to perform integration testing
- User DockerIntegrationTest marker to mark our Docker integration test
- Command to perform integration testing using Maven:
mvn integration-test
Push the image to Docker hub
- Add tags under docker-maven plugin
- Run
mvn -Ddocker.username=<username> -Ddocker.password=<password> deploy
Manage Docker container
- Before start :
- Set up Docker local registry
- Build docker local registry :
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
- Push , pull commands for local images :
docker push localhost:5000/sourabhh/hotel-service:- SNAPSHOT
,docker-compose pull
- Execute docker-compose :
docker-compose up -d
- Use Docker compose : manage docker containers
- Docker compose : number of containers, docker image, port, link
- Create docker-compose.yml
- Start all Docker containers with single command:
docker-compose up -d
- List all Docker containers starting :
docker-compose ps
- Check Docker images logs :
docker-compose logs
- Before start :
Reactive microservice
Apache Kafka, Apache Avro
Implement reactive microservice
Produce an event and Consume an event
Apache Avro
- Create avro schema
- Use avro-maven-plugin (add avro-maven plugin in pom.xml)
- Run
mvn package
to create class
Apache Kafka stream :
- Message channel
- Add message converter bean
- Config kafka server
Ensure Kafka and Zookeeper are running in host and port defined in application.yaml
Test the Producer
Run the project and Post a new booking
It will produce Kafka topic(event) as shown from the logs
Check Kafka console : message that confirm the message is received by Kafka
Consume the event
Add avro schema
Config message channel(input)
Config kafka topic : bookingOrderInput
config kafka server in consumer
Add event listener : @StreamListener
Secure microservice
- Enable SSL
- Set up SSL on Edge server : use Java keytool to generate keystore
- keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -ext san=dns:localhost -storepass password -validity 365 -keysize 2048
- keytool -importcert -file path/to/.crt -alias - keystore <JRE/JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
- update application.yaml with ssl config
- re build the zuul server with https
- Go to : localhost:8765/hotelapi/v1/hotels/1 ( the same with localhost:3401/v1/hotels/1)
- Enable SSL
Logging and ELK stack (centralize logging)
- Docker compose logs : commands
- Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana ELK stack : log aggregation
- ELK stack set up :
Download and install on localhost machine
Install Elastic search
- Use ES docker image: docker pull
- http://localhost:9200/
- Install GUI : plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head
- Run Docker image :
for later to run ELK stack together - Access GUI : http://localhost:9200/_plugin/head/.
Install Logstash
- Use docker image:docker pull
- Config logstash : input {
file { path => "\logs\otrs-service.log" type => "otrs-api" codec => "json" start_position => "beginning" }
file { path => "/logs/edge-server.log" type => "edge-server" codec => "json" } }
output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } elasticsearch { hosts => "localhost:9200" } }
- Go to logstash home, run : bin/logstash agent -f logstash.conf
Install Kibana: docker pull
- config : open config/kibana.yml : point elasticsearch.url elasticsearch.url:http://localhost:9200
- go tp kibana home : run : bin/kibana agent -f logstash.conf
- Or run docker image
- Access : http://localhost:5601/.
Install ELK stack from Docker : willdurand/elk
- Run ELK stack using Docker compose : docker-compose-elk.yml
- docker-compose -f docker-compose-elk.yml up -d
- Restart Logstash container after copy the pipeline CONF file pipeline/logstash.conf : input { tcp { port => 5001 codec => "json" } }
output { elasticsearch { hosts => "elasticsearch:9200" } }
Push logs to the ELK stack
Use Zipkin and Sleuth for tracking
- Trace ID
Add Zipkin and Sleuth dependencies
Go to : http://:9411/zipkin/ (zipkin dashboard)
Document API
Versioning API
- mvn clean install
- eureka server, turbine server, dashboard server , hotel service, user service, booking service, api-service
- Eureka server :
- User API :
- Hotel API :
- Turbine Server :
- Dashboard Server:
- Maven
- Spring cloud
- RabbitMQ
- Eureka
- Docker
- Apache Kafka
- Apache Avro
- ElasticSearch
- Logstash
- Kibana
- Test with JUnit
- Eureka server
- Hystrix Dashboard