(repo for preparing algorithms test for codility interview tests - as big guy always has algorithms : ) )
This is Project Euler solved by Javascript
Data structure and algorithm with Java - Python - Javascript
- Vector
- Linked list
- Stack - queue
- Priority queue
- Heap
- Suffix array
- Hash map
- Map - Set - Multimap
- Tree
- Binary tree
- Binary search tree
- Graph
- DFS, BFS,Dijkstra, Prim
- Topological sort
- Johnson's algorithm
- Dictionary
Bloom filter
Breadth-first iterative search
k way merge
Greedy algorithm
- Prim
- Kruskal
Divide and conquer
Recursion(no BigO)
- Depth first search
- Breadth first search
- Spanning tree
- Prim
- Sortest path
Dynamic programming
- Knapsack
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Edit distance
- Minimum partition
- Matrix chain multiplication
- Fibonacci
- Tower of hanoi
- Bai toan ba lo
String algorithm
- Levenshtein Distance
- Quick sort, Heap sort, Binary search
- Interpolation search
- Aho Corasick String Matching
- Rotation
- Insertion
- Substring search algorithm
- Binary search tree
- AVL tree
- Red black tree
- K dimensional tree
Divide and conquer
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
- Binary search
- Strassen