An unique video playing app which supports popout feature for video playing. In this video player app a tiny pop out feature is designed to run a currently running video even after the app in closed in a floating window which can override other apps. Other features include night mode ,CRUD options and Youtube Search option.
- Night mode - with low brightness and black layout
- Two types of views for displaying videos
- Popout Window option - which plays video in a tiny box and can be slided on any side of the screen
- Choose, pause, play and other normal state into the fullscreen and exit fullscreen
- Live video recording
- Youtube Searching directy from the app
- Youtube has a new feature to play your video in a tiny window but that window can't be furthur positioned and if we go to some other application ,the video is paused and can't be played.
- This PWVP overcomes those issues. The video playing in the tiny window can be positioned on any side of the screen. One can shift to other app and the video will still continue playing in that window.
- Example - One can use whatsapp and can simultaneously watch newly downloaded movie in a corner window.
- Note - It's very much different from Screensplit because it plays video in a tiny window which override the surface of another application unlike the concept of Screensplit where the display screen is divided into two parts.
Watch the video "Video recording of the sample working of the app.mp4" for getting a walkthrough of the application.
The initial aim was to contribue in a video application JiaoZiVideoPlayer but later we ended up making a completely different video playing app. So this project might have/use some parts from the parent application JiaoZiVideoPlayer.