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Loom Network SDK for Unity3d

This repo contains the SDK code and a Unity 2017.3 project that provides examples.

The SDK currently supports the following Unity targets:

  • Desktop Win/MacOS/Linux
  • Android


  • Unity 2017.3 or later.
  • Build Settings -> Player Settings -> Configuration set as follows:
    • Scripting Runtime Version: Experimental (.NET 4.6 Equivalent)
    • API Compatibility Level: .NET 4.6


AuthClient should be used to obtain a Identity, once you have a Identity you can use the associated private key to sign and then commit transactions using LoomChainClient.

Authorization Flows

To obtain a Identity you must first obtain an access token from Auth0, the exact process depends on the platform. Currently the process has only be implemented on desktop platforms, mobile platforms are TBD.

Desktop Windows / Mac / Linux

AuthClient will wait for an HTTP request on, then it will open a new browser window and load the Auth0 sign-in page (using the default system web browser). At this point the user should be directed to switch to the browser to sign-in, when they do so successfully Auth0 will redirect to the aforementioned URL, and AuthClient will fetch or create a Identity.


AuthClient will open the default system browser to the Auth0 hosted login page, once the user signs in the browser will redirect the user back to the Unity app. AuthClient will then fetch or create a Identity.

You must add an Auth0 redirect activity to the Android manifest, and set the host, pathPrefix, and scheme to match the Auth0 redirect URL specified when creating a new instance of AuthClient. For example:

<activity android:name="" tools:node="replace">
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        android:scheme="io.loomx.unity3d" />

If you don't have a custom manifest you can use Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml in this repo as a starting point, at the very least you will need to update the package, and the data parameters.

Adding new transaction types

Create a new .proto file in the Assets\Protobuf directory, refer to Google Protocol Buffers for syntax details etc. You'll need to download the protoc compiler to generate C# classes from the .proto files.

The relevant command will look something like this:

protoc -I<install path>/protoc-3.5.1/include -I<project path>/Assets/Protobuf --csharp_out=<project path>/Assets/Protobuf <project path>/Assets/Protobuf/sample.proto


The sample authSample scene expects a local Loom DAppChain node to be running on localhost, if you decide to change the default host/ports the node runs on you'll need to update the host/ports in authSample.cs to match.

When you run the sample scene you will see three buttons that are hooked up to call the corresponding methods in Assets/authSample.cs, these must be pressed in the correct order:

  1. Press the Sign In button, this should open a new browser window, once you've signed up/in you should see the text above the button change to Signed in as ....
  2. Once the textbox indicates you're signed in you can press the Call SetMsg button to call the SetMsg method in the helloworld smart contract, this method will store a key/value in the smart contract state. If the method executes without error the textbox should change to Smart contract method finished executing.. You can press the Call SetMsg button again to make another call. Each call to the smart contract actually requires a new transaction to be generated, signed, and then validated by the DAppChain.
  3. Press the Call SetMsgEcho button to call the SetMsgEcho method in the helloworld smart contract, similarly to SetMsg this method will store a key/value in the smart contract, and return the key/value it stored.
  4. You can press the Call GetMsg button to send a simple query to the helloworld contract.


For ease of use all necessary prebuilt dependencies are located in the Assets/Plugins directory in this repo, the assemblies are built to target Any CPU. The rest of this section contains some useful notes in case you need to rebuild the dependencies.

Auth0.Authentication and Auth0.Core

The Auth0 assemblies only target .NET Standard 1.1/2, and at the time of writing Unity 2017.3 only targets .NET Framework 4.6, so attempting to install Auth0 via NuGet in the SDK project fails. Building the assemblies from source and copying them into the SDK project also fails (with error CS0012: The type 'System.Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced). To get around these issues the Auth0 assemblies must be rebuilt from the net4.6-target branch in this repo - then copy the built assemblies from src/Auth0.AuthenticationApi/bin/Release/net46 to the Unity project.


Build from source - then copy the build assemblies from Chaos.NaCl/Chaos.NaCl/bin/Release to Assets/Plugins.

Google Protocol Buffers

Install prebuilt Google.Protobuf 3.5 from NuGet and copy them to Assets/Plugins.


Clone and build the Release config for AnyCPU. The version currently was built from Git rev 000c0a76b4fb2045cabc4f0ae6a80bea03e2663e.


Loom DAppChain SDK for Unity3d







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  • C# 75.2%
  • Objective-C 16.0%
  • JavaScript 3.7%
  • Java 2.0%
  • HTML 0.9%
  • Swift 0.9%
  • Other 1.3%