Virtual poster session with RPG-like UX.
© 2020 Hiroyuki Kai
Prerequisite (if not installed yet)
brew update && brew install redis postgresql ghostscript
Install dependencies in node_modules
In Mac OS
brew services start redis
brew services stop redis
Set app_config.yaml
file. See app_config.example.yaml
file for details.
First run the server by the following commands
DEBUG_TOKEN=xxxx DEBUG_AS=xxxx NODE_TEST=1 yarn server
yarn test
Run threen different windows:
API server
yarn server
Socket server
DEBUG_TOKEN=xxxx DEBUG_TOKEN=xxxx yarn socket
yarn serve
For linting, run the following.
yarn lint
Compiles and minifies for production
yarn build
After build, run in production mode
sudo yarn prod
With logging:
sudo yarn prod:log
Nohup (starting from SSH):
sudo yarn nohup
Send a GET request to /api/init_admin?email=<admin email>
This endpoint is only available before the first admin account is made.
The author is grateful to the creators of the fantastic images and icons shown below.
Pipoya souko (
This program uses icons created by Flaticon.