Realign Tumor/Normal Bam files simultaneously.
dualRealign is a post alignment re-aligner useing SRMA ( Especially, could be used for Tumor/Normal set of BAM files.
- Download dualRealign.jar from web sites.
- Install Java Runtime 1.5 or later.
- Bam files for normal reads Alignment.
- Bam files for tumor reads Alignment.
- 2.bit reference file
- CaptureTarget Information (bed format,optional)
usage: dualRealign.jar realign -n <arg> -t <arg> -r <arg> -o <arg> [-ct <arg>] [-nt <arg>]
-n,--normalBam <arg> normal bam file
-t,--tumorBam <arg> tumor bam file
-r,--reference <arg> 2 bit genome reference file
-o,--outdir <arg> output directory
-ct,--captureTarget <arg> Capture target regions(bed format)
-nt,--num threads <arg> number of threads