Similator that genarate artifitial SNV and CNV at the same time at given tumor content rtaio.
Apache 2
- Download karkinosSim.jar from web sites.
- Install Java Runtime 1.5 or later.
- Bam files for normal reads Alignment.
- 2.bit reference file
- CaptureTarget Information (bed format,optional)
- Low depth region (bed format,optional)
usage: karkinosSim options
possible commands are; devideBAM ; assignSNVIndel ; similate ; checkAnswer
- Devide normal bam files in to 3 bam files. karkinosSim need 3 normal bamfiles from same sample. devideBAM can devide one bam file to 3. If you can provide 3 normal bamfiles, skip this process.
usage: karkinosSim.jar devideBAM -bam <arg> -out <arg>
-bam,--bam <arg> input bam file
-out,--out <arg> output directory
- Create positions Vcf for random artifitial SNV and Indel.
usage: karkinosSim.jar assignSNVIndel -target <arg> -r <arg> -numSnv <arg>
-numIndel <arg> -indelfrac <arg> -lowdepth <arg> -outvcf <arg>
-target,--target bed <arg> target bed file
-r,--ref <arg> 2bit reference file
-numSnv,--numSnv <arg> number of snv to similate
-numIndel,--numIndel <arg> number of Indel to similate
-lowdepth,--lowdepth <arg> low depth vcf
-outvcf,--outvcf <arg> output vcf file
- Genarate similated BAM and FastQ files.
usage: karkinosSim.jar similate -id <arg> -target <arg> -r <arg> -SNP
<arg> -SNVgen <arg> -SNVgenSub <arg> -CNVgen <arg> -tc <arg>
-normalbam1 <arg> -normalbam2 <arg> -out <arg>
-id,--id <arg> id for this similation
-target,--target bed <arg> target bed file
-r,--ref <arg> 2bit reference file
-SNP,--SNPVcf <arg> SNP list exclude SNP positions
-SNVgen,--SNVgen <arg> SNV to generate, vcf
-SNVgenSub,--SNVgenSub <arg> subpolulation SNV to generate, vcf
-CNVgen,--CNVgen <arg> CNV to generate, vcf
-tc,--tumorContent <arg> tumor content ration for similation
-normalbam1,--normalbam1 <arg> normalbam1
-normalbam2,--normalbam2 <arg> normalbam2
-out,--out <arg> output directory
- Check Answer,Summary Output to System.out
usage: karkinosSim.jar checkAnswer -answer <arg> -check <arg>
-answer,--answer <arg> answer vcf file
-check,--check <arg> vcf file to check