In 2015 Rutherford College played a school-wide game called mayhem, where every student got a card with another students name. Once they found this person they stole their card, all other cards they've collected, and continue finding the next person. The student with the most cards at the end wins.
Inspired by this, in 2019 we replayed this game and I was in charge of organizing it, so here's the code for generating these cards. It takes a csv input file of all the students in the school and some info of them like their name and ID (this file was provided by a teacher of the school), and outputs a printable PDF of all the cards.
Do they? Awesome! So far I've only heard of one other school that does something like this, so if you know what the game's actually called or have any other information about the game, contact me
For a detailed guide on everything you need to know about any prerequisites, installation, setting up and more, check The guide here.
If you're serious about playing this game at your school and you're stuck with anything, contact me for more information and I'll help you with bringing utter mayhem to your school ;).