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practicing sql

sql lessons on sqlbolt and exercise

-- CH6 - Multi-table queries with JOINs

-- Find the domestic and international sales for each movie SELECT Title, International_sales, Domestic_sales FROM Movies JOIN Boxoffice ON Id=Movie_id;

-- Show the sales numbers for each movie that did better internationally rather than domestically SELECT Title, International_sales, Domestic_sales FROM Movies JOIN Boxoffice ON Id=Movie_id WHERE International_sales > Domestic_sales;

-- List all the movies by their ratings in descending order SELECT Title, Rating FROM Movies JOIN Boxoffice ON Id=Movie_id ORDER BY Rating DESC;


-- Find the list of all buildings that have employees SELECT DISTINCT Building FROM Employees LEFT JOIN Buildings ON Building=Building_name WHERE Years_employed NOT NULL;

-- Find the list of all buildings and their capacity SELECT * FROM Buildings;

-- List all buildings and the distinct employee roles in each building (including empty buildings) SELECT DISTINCT Building_name, Role FROM Buildings LEFT JOIN employees ON building_name = building;

-- CH8 - A short note on NULLs

-- Find the name and role of all employees who have not been assigned to a building SELECT * FROM Employees LEFT JOIN Buildings ON Building_name = Building WHERE Building IS NULL;

-- Find the names of the buildings that hold no employees SELECT * FROM Buildings LEFT JOIN Employees ON Building_name = Building WHERE Building IS NULL;

-- CH9 - Queries with expressions

-- List all movies and their combined sales in millions of dollars SELECT Title, (Domestic_sales + International_sales)/1000000 AS Total_Sales_Millions FROM Movies LEFT JOIN Boxoffice ON Id=Movie_Id;

-- List all movies and their ratings in percent SELECT Title, Rating*10 as Percent FROM Movies LEFT JOIN Boxoffice ON Id=Movie_Id;

-- List all movies that were released on even number years SELECT Title, Year FROM Movies LEFT JOIN Boxoffice ON Id=Movie_Id WHERE Year % 2 = 0;

-- CH10 - Queries with aggregates (Pt. 1)

-- Find the longest time that an employee has been at the studio SELECT MAX(Years_employed) FROM Employees;

-- For each role, find the average number of years employed by employees in that role SELECT Role, AVG(Years_Employed) FROM Employees GROUP BY Role;

-- Find the total number of employee years worked in each building SELECT Building, SUM(Years_Employed) FROM Employees GROUP BY Building;

-- CH11 - Queries with aggregates (Pt. 2)

-- Find the number of Artists in the studio (without a HAVING clause) SELECT Role, COUNT(*) AS Number_of_Artists FROM Employees WHERE Role = "Artist";

-- Find the number of Employees of each role in the studio SELECT Role, COUNT(*) FROM Employees GROUP BY Role;

-- Find the total number of years employed by all Engineers SELECT Role, SUM(Years_Employed) FROM Employees GROUP BY Role HAVING Role = "Engineer";

-- CH12 - Order of execution of a Query

-- Find the number of movies each director has directed SELECT *, COUNT(Title) FROM Movies GROUP BY Director;

-- Find the total domestic and international sales that can be attributed to each director SELECT Director, sum(Domestic_sales + International_Sales) as Total_Sales FROM Movies LEFT JOIN Boxoffice ON Id = Movie_ID GROUP BY Director;

-- CH13 - Inserting rows

-- Add the studio's new production, Toy Story 4 to the list of movies (you can use any director) INSERT INTO Movies, VALUES (4, "Toy Story 4", "John Lasseter", 2017, 123);

-- Toy Story 4 has been released to critical acclaim! It had a rating of 8.7, and made 340 million domestically and 270 million internationally. Add the record to the BoxOffice table. INSERT INTO Boxoffice VALUES (4, 8.7, 340000000, 270000000);

-- CH14 - Updating rows

-- The director for A Bug's Life is incorrect, it was actually directed by John Lasseter UPDATE Movies SET Director = "John Lasseter" WHERE Id = 2;

-- The year that Toy Story 2 was released is incorrect, it was actually released in 1999 UPDATE Movies SET Year = "1999" WHERE Id = 3;

-- Both the title and directory for Toy Story 8 is incorrect! The title should be "Toy Story 3" and it was directed by Lee Unkrich UPDATE Movies SET Title = "Toy Story 3", Director = "Lee Unkrich" WHERE Id = 11;

-- CH15 - Deleting rows

-- This database is getting too big, lets remove all movies that were released before 2005. DELETE FROM Movies WHERE Year < 2005;

-- Andrew Stanton has also left the studio, so please remove all movies directed by him. DELETE FROM Movies WHERE Director = "Andrew Stanton";

-- CH16 - Creating Tables

-- Create a new table named Database with the following columns: -- 1. Name A string (text) describing the name of the database -- 2. Version A number (floating point) of the latest version of this database -- 3. Download_count An integer count of the number of times this database was downloaded -- This table has no constraints. CREATE TABLE Database ( Name TEXT, Version FLOAT, Download_Count INTEGER);

-- CH17 - Altering Tables

-- Add a column named Aspect_ratio with a FLOAT data type to store the aspect-ratio each movie was released in. ALTER TABLE Movies ADD COLUMN Aspect_ratio FLOAT DEFAULT 3;

-- Add another column named Language with a TEXT data type to store the language that the movie was released in. Ensure that the default for this language is English. ALTER TABLE Movies ADD COLUMN Language TEXT DEFAULT "English";

-- CH18 - Dropping Tables

-- We've sadly reached the end of our lessons, lets clean up by removing the Movies table DROP TABLE Movies;

-- And drop the BoxOffice table as well DROP TABLE BoxOffice;


practicing sql






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