HiveMQ CE is a Java-based open source MQTT broker that fully supports MQTT 3.x and MQTT 5.
HiveMQ CE is the foundation of the HiveMQ enterprise-connectivity and messaging platform and implements all MQTT features. This project is the technical core of many large MQTT deployments and is now available as open source software under the Apache 2 license.
Community Forum:
Contribution guidelines: Contributing.adoc
License: The source files in this repository are made available under the Apache License Version 2.0.
All MQTT 3.1, 3.1.1 and MQTT 5.0 features
MQTT over TCP, TLS, WebSocket and Secure WebSocket transport
Java Extension SDK for:
Client Initializers
MQTT Packet Interceptors
Interacting with Publishes, Retained Messages, Clients and Subscriptions
Running on Windows, Linux and MacOS (Linux is recommended)
Embedded Mode
HiveMQ CE is compatible with all MQTT 3 and MQTT 5 clients, including Eclipse Paho and HiveMQ MQTT Client.
The documentation for the HiveMQ CE can be found here.
MQTT Resources
The ideal place for questions or discussions about the HiveMQ Community Edition is our brand new HiveMQ Community Forum.
Download the latest HiveMQ CE binary package.
Unzip the package.
Run the (Linux/OSX) or run.bat (Windows) in the bin folder of the package.
cd hivemq-ce-<version>
At least Java version 11 is required to run HiveMQ CE.
If you are in doubt, you can check the installed Java version by entering java -version on your command line.
You can now connect MQTT clients to <ip address>:1883
If you want to connect devices on external networks to HiveMQ CE, please make sure your server is reachable from those networks and the required ports (default: 1883) are accessible through your firewall. |
Just in time builds for current branches on this repository and for specific commits are available here.
All releases as well as the current state of the master
branch are available in the hivemq/hivemq-ce repository on DockerHub.
To execute this image, simply run the following command:
docker run --name hivemq-ce -d -p 1883:1883 hivemq/hivemq-ce
To change the default log level you can set the environment variable HIVEMQ_LOG_LEVEL
when running the container:
docker run --name hivemq-ce -e HIVEMQ_LOG_LEVEL=INFO -d -p 1883:1883 hivemq/hivemq-ce
Check out the git repository and build the binary package.
git clone
cd hivemq-community-edition
./gradlew hivemqZip
The package hivemq-ce-<version>.zip
is created in the sub-folder build/distributions/
Check out the git repository and build the Docker image.
git clone
cd hivemq-community-edition
./gradlew loadOciImage
The Docker image hivemq/hivemq-ce:snapshot
is created locally.
For further development instructions see the contribution guidelines.
HiveMQ Community Edition offers an embedded mode and a programmatic API for integrating with Java/Java EE software.
If you use Gradle, include the following code in your build.gradle(.kts)
dependencies {
If you use Maven, include the following code in your pom.xml
You must set the compiler version to 11 or higher.
Entry into the embedded mode is done with the com.hivemq.embedded.EmbeddedHiveMQBuilder
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final EmbeddedHiveMQBuilder embeddedHiveMQBuilder = EmbeddedHiveMQ.builder()
Once built, an EmbeddedHiveMQ can be started with start()
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final EmbeddedHiveMQBuilder embeddedHiveMQBuilder = EmbeddedHiveMQ.builder();
try (final EmbeddedHiveMQ hiveMQ = {
} catch (final Exception ex) {
A running EmbeddedHiveMQ can be stopped with stop()
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (final EmbeddedHiveMQ hiveMQ = {
} catch (final Exception ex) {
Similar to the embedded HiveMQ an embedded extension can be built with the com.hivemq.embedded.EmbeddedExtensionBuilder
Then add the embedded extension to the embedded HiveMQ builder.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final EmbeddedExtension embeddedExtension = EmbeddedExtension.builder()
.withName("Embedded Extension")
.withExtensionMain(new MyEmbeddedExtensionMain())
final EmbeddedHiveMQBuilder builder = EmbeddedHiveMQ.builder()
try (final EmbeddedHiveMQ hiveMQ = {
//do something with hivemq
} catch (final Exception ex) {
private static class MyEmbeddedExtensionMain implements ExtensionMain {
public void extensionStart(final @NotNull ExtensionStartInput extensionStartInput, final @NotNull ExtensionStartOutput extensionStartOutput) {
// my extension start code
public void extensionStop(final @NotNull ExtensionStopInput extensionStopInput, final @NotNull ExtensionStopOutput extensionStopOutput) {
// my extension stop code
An EmbeddedHiveMQ is a resource that is similar to a e.g. network connection and implements the java.lang.AutoCloseable interface.
Always use ARM (try with resources) or ensure a call to close() .
When you deploy an application that includes EmbeddedHiveMQ, it can be useful to exclude some dependencies. One way to exclude dependencies is with the maven shade plugin.
<!--Exclude the undesired dependencies-->
To exclude the org.rocksdb:rocksdbjni
dependency, two internal configurations must be changed before you call start()
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (final EmbeddedHiveMQ hiveMQ = {
} catch (final Exception ex) {
If you want to contribute to HiveMQ CE, see the contribution guidelines.
HiveMQ Community Edition is licensed under the APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0
A copy of the license can be found here.