A private project that lights up my stairs with WS2812B LEDs. Controllable via an PWA and running on an ESP8266.
- NodeMcu V3
- 2 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors (modded to work with 3 pins only, s. here)
- WS2812B led strip
- Extra PSU to power the led strip
Upload the data folder to your ESP8266 with SPIFFS. Build and upload the source code (e.g. with PlatformIO) to your ESP8266. Configuration parameters can be set in config.h.
I've implemented several modes to light up the leds:
- Sensing mode: turns the light on if the ultrasonic sensor returns a distance that is in a pre-configured range and turns it off once the other ultrasonic sensor does the same (e.g. lights on once a person steps on the first step and lights off once he/she steps on the last step of a stairway)
- Steady mode: turns light on with configurable color
- Night mode: dimmed white light
- Rainbow effect: rainbow colors starting from top going to bottom
- Running rainbow effect: rainbow colors moving up
- Sparkle effect
- Twinkle effect
- Fire effect
All these modes can be turned on/off by looking up your ESP8266's IP in a web browser.