"Extended nodal actor framework based on zactor"
There are two main dependencies:
- libzmq
- czmq
Dependencies for the build process / dependencies are:
- git, libtool, autoconf, automake, cmake, make, pkg-config, pcre,
Building them should be pretty straight forward:
- Get dependencies via brew:
brew install libtool autoconf automake pkg-config cmake make zeromq czmq
Once the above dependencies are installed, you are ready to build libsphactor. The process for this is much the same:
- Clone the repo
git clone http://github.com/hku-ect/libsphactor.git
- Build the project
cd libsphactor
# optionally test the library
sudo make install
See the minimal example below. Should work on OSX as well.
- Create a new macOS - Command Line Tool project
- Enter a product name and other details, select C as the language
- Select a folder
- You'll be provided with an example C file. Paste the minimal example source from below to replace the provided C example
- Select the project on the left pane. Goto Build Settings and select All + Combined
- Look for "Search paths"
- Add /usr/local/include to "Header Search Paths"
- Add /usr/local/lib to "Library Search Paths"
- Look for "Linking"
- Add "-lsphactor" and "-lczmq" to "Other Linker Flags"
You can now run the program.
If you want to work on the library it self it is best to use Cmake to build a Xcode project. from the repository's root run:
mkdir xcodeproj
cd xcodeproj
cmake -G Xcode ..
This should generate a valid Xcode project that can run and pass tests.
Sometimes you need the latest dependencies. Here's how:
First uninstall already installed libs (optional):
brew uninistall zeromq czmq
Clone & build libzmq & czmq
git clone git://github.com/zeromq/libzmq.git
cd libzmq
make check
sudo make install
cd ..
git clone git://github.com/zeromq/czmq.git
cd czmq
./autogen.sh && ./configure && make check
sudo make install
cd ..
(tested on ubuntu 16.04)
Install dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y \
build-essential libtool \
pkg-config autotools-dev autoconf automake \
uuid-dev libpcre3-dev libsodium-dev libzmq5-dev libczmq-dev
Clone this repo, build and install
git clone https://github.com/hku-ect/libsphactor.git
cd libsphactor
./configure && make
sudo make install
You can now use libsphactor as a static (/usr/local/lib/libsphactor.a) or dynamic lib (/usr/local/lib/libsphactor.so). Include file are in /usr/local/include.
For windows you'll need the latest Visual Studio (i.e. 2019) and cmake.
From a Visualstudio command prompt use the following commands to build everything in c:\projects with binaries in c:\tmp
set INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\tmp\build
set LIBZMQ_SOURCEDIR=C:\projects\libzmq
git clone --depth 1 --quiet https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq.git "%LIBZMQ_SOURCED
cmake --build . --config %Configuration% --target install
set CZMQ_SOURCEDIR=C:\projects\czmq
git clone --depth 1 --quiet https://github.com/zeromq/czmq.git "%CZMQ_SOURCEDIR%"
cmake --build . --config %Configuration% --target install
set SPH_SOURCEDIR=C:\projects\libsphactor
git clone --depth 1 --quiet https://github.com/hku-ect/libsphactor.git "%SPH_SOURCEDIR%"
cmake --build . --config Debug --target install
ctest -C Debug -V
#include <sphactor_library.h>
#include <czmq.h>
// An actor is a method wich receives a sphactor_event as an argument
// and returns a zmsg_t. Zmsg_t is just a message we can send.
static zmsg_t *
hello_sphactor(sphactor_event_t *ev, void *args)
if ( ev->msg == NULL ) return NULL;
// just echo what we receive
char *cmd = zmsg_popstr(ev->msg);
zsys_info("Hello actor %s says: %s", ev->name, cmd);
// if there are strings left publish them
if ( zmsg_size(ev->msg) > 0 )
return ev->msg;
return NULL;
// This is identical to the first hello_actor
static zmsg_t *
hello_sphactor2(sphactor_event_t *ev, void *args)
if ( ev->msg == NULL ) return NULL;
// just echo what we receive
char *cmd = zmsg_popstr(ev->msg);
zsys_info("Hello2 actor %s says: %s", ev->name, cmd);
// if there are strings left publish them
if ( zmsg_size(ev->msg) > 0 )
return ev->msg;
return NULL;
int main()
// create two actors
sphactor_t *hello1 = sphactor_new ( hello_sphactor, NULL, NULL, NULL);
sphactor_t *hello2 = sphactor_new ( hello_sphactor2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// connect the two actors to each other
sphactor_connect(hello1, sphactor_endpoint(hello2));
sphactor_connect(hello2, sphactor_endpoint(hello1));
// send multiple strings to the first actor
zstr_sendm( sphactor_socket(hello1), "SEND"); // this is an API command
zstr_sendm( sphactor_socket(hello1), "HELLO"); // first string
zstr_sendm( sphactor_socket(hello1), "WORLD"); // etc...
zstr_sendm( sphactor_socket(hello1), "AND");
zstr_sendm( sphactor_socket(hello1), "ALIEN");
zstr_send( sphactor_socket(hello1), "SPACELINGS"); // finish message construction and send the message
zclock_sleep(10); // give some time for the test to complete, since it's threaded
sphactor_destroy (&hello1);
sphactor_destroy (&hello2);
return 0;
Build this file and run:
gcc -o test main.c -lczmq -lsphactor
If correct it wil show:
I: 19-12-03 13:20:49 Hello2 actor A8D382 says: HELLO
I: 19-12-03 13:20:49 Hello actor C3FA9D says: WORLD
I: 19-12-03 13:20:49 Hello2 actor A8D382 says: AND
I: 19-12-03 13:20:49 Hello actor C3FA9D says: ALIEN
I: 19-12-03 13:20:49 Hello2 actor A8D382 says: SPACELINGS
You can also use the static lib instead of the dynamic one:
gcc -o test main.c /usr/local/lib/libsphactor.a /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libczmq.a -l zmq -lpthread
Please note for C++ you need to include libsphactor.hpp instead of libsphactor.h!
#include <iostream>
#include "libsphactor.hpp"
// g++ sphactor_selftest.cpp -o test -I ../include/ .libs/libsphactor.a -l czmq
class Test
Test() {
~Test() { }
zmsg_t *
handleMsg( sphactor_event_t *event ) {
// just print the event
printf("name: %s, type: %s", ev->name, ev->type);
if ( event->msg == nullptr ) return nullptr;
char *cmd = zmsg_popstr(event->msg);
zsys_info("Cpp actor %s says: %s", event->name, cmd);
// if there are strings left publish them
if ( zmsg_size(event->msg) > 0 )
return event->msg;
return nullptr;
int main()
Test *a = new Test()
Test *b = new Test();
// register the Test class as an actor
sphactor_register("cpp test", sphactor_member_handler<Test>);
// create actor controllers for the actors
sphactor_t *actora = sphactor_new(a, "hello-a", nullptr);
sphactor_t *actorb = sphactor_new_by_type("cpp test", b, "hello-b", nullptr);
// get the actor name
const char *name = sphactor_ask_name(actora);
assert( streq(name, "hello-a"));
// set actora to be verbose
sphactor_ask_set_verbose(actora, true);
// connect the actors to each other
sphactor_ask_connect(actora, sphactor_ask_endpoint(actorb));
sphactor_ask_connect(actorb, sphactor_ask_endpoint(actora));
zclock_sleep(10); // give time to connect
// initiate a SEND (SEND API command just sends what it receives)
zstr_sendm(sphactor_socket(actora), "SEND");
zstr_sendm(sphactor_socket(actora), "HELLO");
zstr_sendm(sphactor_socket(actora), "WORLD");
zstr_sendm(sphactor_socket(actora), "AND");
zstr_sendm(sphactor_socket(actora), "ALIEN");
zstr_send(sphactor_socket(actora), "SPACELINGS");
zclock_sleep(10); // give time to see messages printed
// cleanup
delete( a );
delete( b );
return 0;
Compile with:
g++ test.cpp -o test -lsphactor -lczmq
As a convenience you can also inherit the Sphactor class:
class Test : public Sphactor
Test() {
~Test() { }
// handle initialisation
zmsg_t * handleInit(sphactor_event_t *ev)
// handle timed events
zmsg_t * handleTimer(sphactor_event_t *ev) { if ( ev->msg ) zmsg_destroy(&ev->msg); return nullptr; }
// handle your own API commands
zmsg_t * handleAPI(sphactor_event_t *ev) { if ( ev->msg ) zmsg_destroy(&ev->msg); return nullptr; }
// handle receiving messages
zmsg_t * handleSocket(sphactor_event_t *ev) { if ( ev->msg ) zmsg_destroy(&ev->msg); return nullptr; }
// handle stopping your actor (destroying it is handled for you in the base class)
zmsg_t * handleStop(sphactor_event_t *ev) { if ( ev->msg ) zmsg_destroy(&ev->msg); return nullptr; }