Conditional jumps will only use EX signal and if hazard is detected, the hazard detection unit will be notified to change the PC and flush the pipeline.
MAX number of bits for OP code is 7 bits.
we increment PC by one and another one if 32 bits instruction is detected (in FETCH).
6 1 3 3 3 16
(OP code) (unused) (Rs1) (Rs2) (Rdst) (Immediate)
Command | Description |
git status | List all new or modified files |
git diff | Show file differences that haven't been staged |
OP code (32 or 16 bit instruction) (rtype) (type)
1-bit: -0 : 16 bit instruction -1 : 32 bit instruction 2-bits: -00 : type 0 -01 : type 1 -10 : type 2 -11 : type 3 3-bits: - type 0: - identifier for each instruction - SP type: -
(32 or 16 bit instruction) (type) (JMP: 1 bit)
(32 or 16 bit instruction) ==> 0 for 16 bit, 1 for 32 bit (type) ==> 10 for R type, 11 for XXX, 0X for SP (X ==> 1 for inc , 0 for dec)
- clock, enable, reset (1-bit)
- addressIn (16-bit)
- counter(16-bit)
- 16 bit
- doesn't increment internally
- takes next value from addressIn
- readAddress (16-bit)
- dataOut (32-bit)
- PCAddress (16-bit)
- 1k * 16 bit
- outputs 32 bit data
- outputs next address for PC
- clock, WB (1-bit)
- Rs1, Rs2, Rdst (3-bit)
- dataIn (16-bit)
- Rout1, Rout2 (16-bit)