Ready to be exploited for:
- SCSS hot reload.
- Transit based remote sync.
- Extensible Compojure routing.
Assuming Cider+emacs development environment:
- After cloneing/downloading. Open om-next-template/src/cljs/ui/core.cljs
- M-x cider-jack-in-clojurescript
- In the clj-repl type
(load-file "script/figwheel.clj")
to start figwheel
- In the clj-repl type
- Add css/scss styling in om-next-template/scss/style.scss (must have scss installed, do so with
sudo npm install -g node-sass
, read more about the SCSS figwheel script here
- Add css/scss styling in om-next-template/scss/style.scss (must have scss installed, do so with
- Realize that the backend parser and handlers are located in om-next-template/src/clj/backend/server.clj
- For standalone jar, delete om-next-template/resources/public/main.js and this directory om-next-template/resources/public/out, then do these two commands
lein cljsbuild once
(for advanced compilation) and thenlein ring uberjar
- For standalone jar, delete om-next-template/resources/public/main.js and this directory om-next-template/resources/public/out, then do these two commands