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Divorce configuration definitions for CCD.



Install nvm to manage node from

Install required node version using nvm install


Run yarn install && yarn setup to install the dependencies for both this project and the submodule

Feature toggle

If you want to test something on local, aat or demo env, but don't want to release it on prod make sure you move all definitions you don't want to release to a file with suffix "-nonprod.json".

To do it, you need to create a folder for files related to that xlsx tab, eg: "AuthorisationCaseEvent" where you move the production file "AuthorisationCaseEvent.json" and you create another one with definitions you don't want to release yet (eg. AuthorisationCaseEvent-noprod.json, but can be any name such as "definitions-for-bsp-ABC-nonprod.json").

When "toggled off" definitions can be released, just move them to the prod file and remove them from nonprod file. Then follow the typical release process.

Please read more here:

Convert JSON to Excel

For all environments

yarn generate-excel-all to generate excel configs for all environments (Demo, AAT and Prod)

The generated excel files will be in defintions/divorce/xlsx

For a specific environment

yarn generate-excel-(local\demo\aat\prod)

For example

yarn generate-excel-aat

For a bulk-action config

yarn generate-bulk-excel-(local\demo\aat\prod)

For example

yarn generate-bulk-excel-aat

For all environments bulk-action's config

yarn generate-bulk-excel-all

Convert Excel to JSON

If you prefer to make the changes directly on the excel file, and then convert back to JSON:

  1. Generate a fresh base Excel file using the yarn generate-excel. The generated excel file will be in defintions/divorce/xlsx/ccd-config-base.xlsx and will contain placeholder URLs.
  2. Make the changes to ccd-config-base.xlsx but ensure you don't have any environment-specific URLs (use placeholders instead).
  3. Once you're satisfied with your changes in the Excel file, convert back to JSON using yarn generate-json
  4. Review the JSON file changes to ensure all your changes are correct

Accessing CCD on preview/per PR

A full CCD instance is created PR via Helm charts which can be accessed using the details below.

If you do not require this, add [NO-CCD] at the start of the PR title in GitHub.

  • Visit https://gateway-div-ccd-definitions-pr-<number> and whitelist accept the SSL certificate
  • Access the PR on https://case-management-web-div-ccd-definitions-pr-<number>
  • Login with an authorised AAT user listed here

Accessing documents on a CCD PR

To access generated documents on a CCD PR, you have to use the AAT env gateway:

  • Ensure you're logged in with a user that can access the documents (e.g caseworker or solicitor depending on the case) on
  • Copy the document URL from the Documents tab in CCD, and replace the hostname with

Creating cases

To be able to create a case as a solicitor in a CCD PR, you have to create:

This will ensure that callbacks point back to the correct CCD URL.

Applications useful urls

  • CCD admin https://admin-web-div-ccd-definitions-pr-<number> Importer username/password can be found here
  • CCD data-store-api http://data-store-api-div-ccd-definitions-pr-<number>

To run divorce test on CCD PR environment you need to replace core_case_data.api.url on COS and CMS to use your PR data-store-api URL


This repo makes use of to generate the excel file. You may have to update this repo if, for example, you need to add a column to the definitions spreadsheet.

Ideally this should be a published NPM package, so that we can include it in package.json but at the moment we include it as a git submodule

A submodule is simply a pointer to a repo and a commit. If you want to reset that repo to the latest upstream master, run

yarn reset-ccd-submodule

You need to use this if you have accidentally change this pointer reference to something other than what you intended (you can instead modify the above command to package.json to check out a specific commit/version of that submodule)

It's also important to note that once you update to a new reference (i.e you commit a change to the ccd-definition-processor file) you need to make sure everyone else runs yarn setup again to get the updated reference as well.


When we want to release config changes to production:

  1. Generate all excel files using yarn generate-excel-all
  2. Upload the excel file for the AAT env and QA the changes
  3. Create a new release in
  4. Upload all the generate Excel files to the release and add give it the same version number from (3)
  5. Raise a RDM ticket (e.g. RDM-5372) and add link to the release created in step (7)
  6. Ask tester to sign off the RDM if changes pass and assign the RDM ticket to someone in the RDM team

Run full E2E Tests for both Journeys:

Run full E2E tests on CCD PR or AAT

  1. Configure defined env variables , env variables can be found in Azure divorce aat key vault.
  2. yarn test:functional will create cases via API (runs on PR and master AAT)