Running this app with RStudio requires no additional changes. You can use RStudio to install the library dependencies for this app. This application was built using R 3.6.1.
- Install Docker for your operating system
- Clone this repository
git clone
- cd into the cloned repository
cd heroku-docker-r-example-app
- Build the container
docker build . -t heroku-docker-r-example-app
- Run the container
docker run -e PORT=8080 -p 8080:8080 heroku-docker-r-example-app
- View the app locally in your web browser at http://localhost:8080
- Log into Heroku
heroku login
heroku create --stack=container my-docker-r-example-app --team=g-harvard
- Replace
with whatever name.---team
is not necessary for non-IQSS/HMDC users.
- Replace
heroku git:remote -a my-docker-r-example-app
git push heroku master
- Visit the app - the app's url will be different based on what you've named it, but follows this template: For a working example, see