This is a frontend microservice for Agent Client Authorisation.
Invitations service currently provides these functions:
- Agent can create an invitation to represent a client for specific tax regime
- Client can accept or decline an agent's invitation
- Agent can view their authorisation requests and inactive relationships from the last 30 days (track)
- Agent fast track service
Clients can be 'personal' or 'business' or 'trusts' (taxable and non-taxable).
Currently this service supports the following invitations:
- ITSA, including alternative ITSA (client does not need to be registered for ITSA)
- Personal Income Record
- Capital Gains Tax on UK property account
- Trusts (taxable and non-taxable)
- Plastic Packaging Tax
- Pillar 2
Feature flags exist for each service and for requirement of known facts.
sbt test it/test
sbt clean coverageOn test it/test coverageReport
sbt run
It should then be listening on port 9448
browse http://localhost:9448/agent-client-relationships/authorisation-request
browse http://localhost:9448/agent-client-relationships/agent-cancel-authorisation
All Endpoints require Authentication.
Start page for Agents:
GET /agent-client-relationships/agents/
Fast Track Invitation:
API to create a fast-track invitation.
POST /agent-client-relationships/agents/fast-track
The following are the supported services and relevant fields required to create a fast track invitation:
clientType | service | clientIdentifierType | clientIdentifier | knownFact |
personal | HMRC-MTD-IT | NINO | Valid Nino | Postcode |
personal | PERSONAL-INCOME-RECORD | NINO | Valid Nino | Date of Birth |
personal or business | HMRC-MTD-VAT | VRN | Valid Vat Registration Number | Date of Client's VAT Registration |
personal or business | HMRC-CGT-PD | CGTPDRef | Valid CGT-PD reference number | Postcode |
business | HMRC-TERS-ORG | UTR | Valid UTR | Date of trust registration |
business | HMRC-TERSNT-ORG | urn | Valid URN | Date of trust registration |
personal or business | HMRC-PPT-ORG | EtmpRegistrationNumber | Valid PPT ref | Date of registration |
business | HMRC-CBC-ORG | CbcId | Valid Cbc Id | Date of registration |
business | HMRC-CBC-NONUK | CbcId | Valid Cbc Id | Date of registration |
business | HMRC-PILLAR2-ORG | Pillar 2 ID | Valid PlrId | Date of registration |
Note: Client Type and Known Fact are optional. If either of those are missing you will be redirected to the appropriate page. However, if any other information is missing / invalid / unsupported, you will be given an error url.
Start Page for Clients:
GET /agent-client-relationships/{clientType}/{uid}/{agentName}
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License