This is the Matlab implementations of our methods Gaussian Mixture Model Embedding (Gemb) accepted in ICIP17 [pdf].
The source code includes library for other hashing methods including:
- Binary Autoencoder (ba)
- Iterative Quantization (itq)
- Spectral Hashing (sh)
- Spherical Hashing (sph)
- K-meanHashing (kmh).
These libraries are slightly modified but still keeping the algorithm and recommended parameters from original papers.
author = {Tuan Hoang and Do, Thanh-Toan and Dang-Khoa Le Tan and Cheung, Ngai-Man},
bookTitle = {ICIP},
year = {2017},
month = {Sep},
The folder './dataset' contains the mat files used for this demo code. If the './dataset' folder is empty, please download the dataset here and place them in this folder.
- dataset_featureType_train.mat: The files are used for trainning and database.
- train_features (# samples x feature_dim): Extracted features of training images
- train_labels (# samples x 1): Semantic labels of training images
- dataset_featureType_test.mat: The files are used for testing.
- test_features (# samples x feature_dim): Extracted features of testing images
- test_labels (# samples x 1): Semantic labels of testing images
- dataset: cifar10/mnist/labelme
- featureType: gist/vggfc7 (for mnist dataset, only gist feature is available)
Modify the parameters which are defined and explained in 'main_demo.m' properly then run.