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The application including two separate service product-service and offer-service with two other service service-registry for service discovery and api-gateway for dynamic service routing, load balancing. No need to know java just read the documentation and understand the workflow diagram, It's well enough to understand the microservice concept.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Guideline how to read this document

Read this documentation with full concentration and understand clearly how the application working. I tried to describe as simple as possible. No need to run the application or understand the code initially. Read the documentation and understand the workflow diagram first. I have used Java, Spring Boot and Angular but you no need to know any specific language or technology to understand microservice concept. Just read the documentation first.

Once you have completed the documentation then you can run every application in your local system by configuring system prerequisites and don't forget to notice terminal log when you run all application, it helps for better understanding. Here is total 5 separate application (1 frontend + 4 backend).

  • microservice-ui (frontend)
  • service-registry
  • api-gateway
  • product-service
  • offer-service

What is microservice?

Microservice is a modern as well as a popular architecture of designing software application over the last few years. There are lots of content on the internet to describe what microservice really is and those are very informative. But here I wanna describe it simply, concisely in production style.

A microservice application is consist of different services where every service is an application which is

  1. Independently deployable
  2. Independently scalable

above two are the key requirements of a microservice application.

In this microservice application here are two service product-service and offer-service both independently deployable and scalable. They are using two different database but this is not an issue about microservice architecture. They can use the same database.

To expose these two service as microservice architecture I used two other service those are service-registry for service discovery and api-gateway for dynamic service routing as well as load balancing.

Have a look the workflow


Run the services

System configuration prerequisites

1. Clone this project

Open terminal and run

git clone

In your current directory complete-microservice-application directory will be created with five different project inside.

2. Install Java and Maven

Install java 8 or higher version and Apache Maven 3.6.0 on your system. Java 11 is installed in my system. This is not an issue. It will work fine in java 8 to java 11.

3. Install RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), It should be installed and running in your system where product service will be deployed. Though this example is for localhost you need to install in your local computer and by default run in http://localhost:15672/
Username: guest
Password: guest

[Mac OS]

I have prepared a bash file to install RabbitMQ in MacOS. Type bash in your system terminal and after installation completed run rabbitmq-server command to start RabbitMQ.

[Ubuntu OS]

Check this for Installing on Debian and Ubuntu

RabbitMQ commands for ubuntu
--to start sudo service rabbitmq-server start
--to restart sudo service rabbitmq-server restart
--to stop sudo service rabbitmq-server stop
--to check status sudo service rabbitmq-server status


Check this for Installing on Windows

4. Lombok

Lombok plugin should be installed in you IDE otherwise IDE will catch code error. I used Intellij Idea and I had to install lombok plugin.

5. Install Node, Angular and Angular CLI

In my system I used

Angular CLI: 8.3.25
Node: 12.13.1
Angular: 8.2.14 

You need to install Node 12 or higher version and Angular 8 or higher version to run microservice-ui application.

Run microservice-ui application

It's an angular based user interface application for these microservice frontend. It's not any high functional user interface I just tried to consume the backend services from here. You can check all the api just from Postman.

Open terminal run below command to launch microservice-ui application

cd microservice-ui/
npm install
ng s --port 3000 --open

It will open a new tab in your browser with http://localhost:3000/store url as frontend application. When it opens it calls http://localhost:8000/product-service/products by default to fetch all product list. It will not respond any products because backend services are not started yet.

store home

UI application is ready, Now we need to run it's backend applications. All the backend applications are developed by spring-boot.

Run service-registry application

service-registry is the application where all microservice instances will register with a service id. When a service wants to call another service, it will ask service-registry by service id to what instances are currently running for that service id. service-registry check the instances and pass the request to any active the instance dynamically. This is called service discovery. The advantage is no need to hard coded instance ip address, service registry always updates itself, if one instance goes down, It removes that instance from the registry.

  • Eureka is used to achieve this functionality

Open a new terminal and run below command to launch service-registry

cd service-registry/
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run

service-registry will launch in http://localhost:8761/

service registry

Right now only service-registry is registered with Eureka. In your system it will show your ip address.
All the backend application will register here one by one after launching and service-registry will show like this.

all registered service

Run api-gateway application

api-gateway application is the service for facing other services. Just like the entry point to get any service. Receive all the request from user and delegates the request to the appropriate service.

  • Zuul is used to achieve this functionality

Open a new terminal and run below command to run api gateway

cd api-gateway/
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run

The application will run in http://localhost:8000/.

api-gateway is configured such a way that we can call product-service and offer-service api through api-gateway.
Like - when we call with a specific url pattern api-gateway will forward the request to the corresponding service based on that url pattern.

API REST Method Api-gateway request Forwarded service Forwarded URL
Get all products GET http://localhost:8000/product-service/products product-service http://localhost:8081/products
Add new product POST http://localhost:8000/product-service/products product-service http://localhost:8081/products
Update price PUT http://localhost:8000/product-service/products/addPrice product-service http://localhost:8081/products
Add offer POST http://localhost:8000/offer-service/offer offer-service http://localhost:8082/offer

Above table contains all the used api in this entire application.

If we have multiple instance for product-service like http://localhost:8081 and http://localhost:8180. So when we call http://localhost:8000/product-service/products api gateway will forward it to one of the two instance of product-service as load balancing in Round-robin order since Zuul api-gateway use Ribbon load balancer. Api gateway frequently keep updated all available instance list of a service from eureka server.

you can create as many as instance you need for product-service as well as offer-service api-gateway will handle it smartly.

So we can say that api-gateway is the front door of our backend application by passing this we need to enter kitchen or washroom whatever. [Bad joke LOL]

Run Product service

Open a new terminal and run below command

cd product-service/
mvn clean install

The mvn clean install command will create a product-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar inside target directory. We will run two product service instance by two different port. Run below command in a separate terminal

cd target/
java -jar product-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8081

Above command will run product-service in 8081 port.

Run another instance of product-service in 8180 port by running below command in another terminal

java -jar product-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8180

After few seconds you can see there are 2 instance running for product-service which is registered with Eureka server in http://localhost:8761/

Note: Both instance are running as separate application but they are using same database.

Access product-service data source console in browser by localhost:8081/h2
To connect product data source h2 console use below credentials
JDBC URL : jdbc:h2:~/product
User Name : root
Password : root

Check product table. Right now there is no products.
Let's add a new product by calling localhost:8000/product-service/products POST endpoint with below body in postman.

	"productCode": "TW1",
	"productTitle": "Titan",
	"imageUrl": "",
	"price": 30

Or in microservice-ui press Add New Product button and fill the pop-up window with above value then press Add to add new product.

add new product

After adding new product the window will be refreshed and you will see like this

after adding one product maf Let's add two more new products

	"productCode": "FW1",
	"productTitle": "Fastrack",
	"imageUrl": "",
	"price": 30
	"productCode": "RW1",
	"productTitle": "Rolex",
	"imageUrl": "",
	"price": null

So far our browser window like this

all added products

If you check product table there is three product added with no discount_offer. We will add discount_offer by sending an event notification from other offer-service application.

One additional information, I have not added any price when adding Rolex. Price can be added or updated later after adding any product by Add Price button.

Run Offer service

Open separate terminal and run

cd offer-service/
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run

Application will run on http://localhost:8082/

Access it's data source console in browser by localhost:8082/h2
To connect offer data source h2 console use below credentials
JDBC URL : jdbc:h2:~/offer
User Name : root
Password : root

Check offer table and there is no offer right now.
Let's add a offer for product_id = 1 by calling http://localhost:8000/offer-service/offer POST endpoint with below body in postman

	"productId": 1,
	"discountOffer": 10

Or in microservice-ui press Add Discount button and fill the pop-up window with above value then press Add to add discount for product_id = 1

add offer

If you check offer table there is an offer recorded for product_id = 1 and browser will show

offer added

Now you are seeing Payable: $27 for product_id = 1 after calculating discount.

Alert! I am going to show you an interesting thing, if you check product table from product-service data source where product_id = 1 is updated by discount_offer = 10 and current_price = 27.

Note: Here Offer and Product table are from two different database and running on different port. Because both service are using different database.

Here you called offer-service api and it's added a new offer record in it's own data source as well as updated product record where product_id = 1.

So how is this happened?

From offer-service when we add an offer for a specific product, it pushes an event notification to product-service with discount_offer and product-service received the event then update it's own database according to it's own business logic of the event.

How service to service event working?

Here RabbitMQ is configured with both offer-service and product-service. In offer-service when a offer added it will push an event to product-service. RabbitMQ push the events as a queue[one by one serially] order from event producer to event consumer. For these event offer-service is producer, product-service is consumer. RabbitMQ ensure all event must be pushed to consumer if RabbitMQ server is running.

What will happen if the RabbitMQ server is shutdown?

No events will be pushed to the consumer. If there is any stored events in RabbitMQ server memory before shutdown those will be lost too.
Note: It is possible to overcome this limitation by using persistence mechanism which will keep safe from losing stored events. This mechanism is not implemented here that's why am skipping the issue.

What will happen with the events when all product-service instance are shutdown?

RabbitMQ keeping all the events in itself will wait for any product-service instance when a product-service instance relaunched then RabbitMQ will start to push it's events immediately to running product-service instance. You can test it by shutting down all product-service by typing ctrl + c in all product-service launching terminal.
This functionality is called Event Driven Development(EDD). EDD is not a mandatory part of microservice application, It's a smart way to do service to service communication.

Congratulations you have completed the documentation still recheck the workflow diagram that will make you 100% clear now.


So far this is a complete microservice application. You can enhance the application by adding other service like product-service or offer-service(what your requirements demands) by configuring with service-registry and api-gateway. You also can furnish the application with other handy application like Hystrix, Zipkin, Feign, Sidecar. There are lots of handy tools to make the application interactive.

Hystrix is used here as circuit breaker in api-gateway but microservice-ui still not configured with Hystrix functionality yet you can check it in postman by requesting any product-service api by keeping all product-service instance shutdown. In this case Hystrix will respond with a default message instead of responding Internal Server Error(500) HTTP status.

Copyright & License

MIT License, see the link: LICENSE file for details.


The application including two separate service product-service and offer-service with two other service service-registry for service discovery and api-gateway for dynamic service routing, load balancing. No need to know java just read the documentation and understand the workflow diagram, It's well enough to understand the microservice concept.








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