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VSCode Extension integrating Editor with IPython console.


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Enable IPython Terminal creation and direct execution of python code from .py in editor.


Key features tagged with IPython:

  • Creating and handling of IPython terminals
    • Launch argument (e.g., --matplotlib=qt)
    • Start up command (e.g., ["%load_ext autoreload", %autoreload 2])
    • Dedicated terminal linked to a file (ctrl+shift+i f5) (issue #33). When linked,
      • The terminal has the name
      • Running the with f5 always run it in the dedicated terminal
      • NOTE: consider setting "terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": false so so that the created terminals are removed at end of a session and this feature working properly for the next session.
  • Run python code interactively on IPython terminal
    • Run a file, selection(s) of code, code section, run to line, run from line, ...
    • Command line argument equivalent to sys.argv of python argv
    • %run arguments (e.g., -t print timing info when running a
  • Settings for code custom sectioning and execution
    • Support multiple code section tags (e.g., # %%, // ==, or regular expression)
    • Code section tag association option to a list of file extensions (e.g., .py, .ts, .md)
  • Editor visualization of code section blocks (issue #25)
    • Horizontal line divider and bolder text indicating each section starting line
  • Code section navigation and execution (issue #30)
    • A view in the primary sidebar providing section heading layout of associated files
    • Use cltr+shift+i b to open Code Section Navigator
    • Click on a heading focus the active editor to the section
    • Various execution buttons are provided for file and section code execution
    • Section automatic numbering and execution options (#48)
  • Code section folding (issue #32)
    • Folding sections as region. See VSCode Folding Documentation.
    • Note that vscode resolves criss-cross folding by taking the higher level folding

See ipython: Feature Contribution tab in VSCode Extension (Ctrl + Shift + X) panel for latest features and details.

If you find the extension useful, it would be awesome if you can leave a comment and/or a suggestion on the project page!

  • What feature you like and use the most?
  • What other feature(s) you would like to have?

feature X


python.exe with ipython.exe package installed (recommend using virtual environment such as virtualenv, venv). Here are some info:

  • Install python from
    • Create a virtual environment. See install guides.
    • Activate your virtual environment
  • Install ipython. See install guide.
    • Should be good to go when your VSCode terminal with the activated virtual environment can execute ipython --version which echos the IPython version number

More on vscode handling of python virtual environment can be found in vscode python documentation

Microsoft Python Extension

  • This should automatically installed when this extension is installed


Install into vscode via the vscode marketplace.

Alternativey search for hoangkimlai.ipython under the Extensions tab in vscode.


Here are some recommended VSCode settings (settings.json) to get started:

  • Open command pallet (ctrl+shift+p)
  • Type in Open User Settings (JSON) and Enter to open your user settings.json
  • Merge the following settings with your current settings
  // On Window, strongly recommend using Git Bash as default to launch IPython terminal
  // On Linux, most terminal type should work
  "": "Git Bash",

  // IPython terminal is non-recoverable and cannot persists between sessions.
  // These settings tells vscode to stop attempting and fail to recover the
  // last session terminals.
  "terminal.integrated.persistentSessionReviveProcess": "never",
  "terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions": false

Dependent on your project, you might:

Release Notes


  • Added dedicated terminal creation commands (#51)
  • ipython.createDedicatedTerminal (ctrl+shift+i shift+c)
    • Create an ipython terminal linked to current active .py file
  • ipython.createDedicatedTerminalInFileDir (ctrl+shift+i ctrl+shift+c)
    • Create an ipython terminal linked to current active .py with terminal current directory the file's directory


  • Added section auto-numbering and manual numbering option to navigator (#48)
  • Various efficiency improvement with section handling


  • Changed ipython command to be compatible with both Window and Linux (issue #44)
  • Added section code folding
  • Fixed run section keybinding


  • Enhanced IPython terminal handling
    • Allow user to custom name the terminal as needed
    • Added dedicated terminal feature (issue #33)
    • Fixed a bug with IPython tag in terminal name sometime fails to change causing failure in identifying IPython enabled terminal
  • Updated this with more introductory info
  • Other general fixes and minor changes


  • Added new commands and keybinds

    • runToSection (ctrl+shift+i k) run code from top of file to end of section at cursor
    • runFromSection (ctrl+shift shift+k) run code from start of section at cursor to end file
  • Improved section navigator

    • General formatting of section label to be less noisy
    • Added button for runToSection(), runFromSection()
  • Added tree view for file section (indicated by a set of sectionTag such as # %%)

    • jumpToSection: jump to section in text editor and focus on it
      • Support any text files with sectionTag
    • runFile, runSection: excution interaction on tree view
      • Support a configurable set of file extensions such as .py, .ts, .md
  • Refactored cell of code to section of code for clarity

  • Refactored run options:

    • Removed reset and then run options since %run does this by default
    • Run section is defaulted to use .vscode/ipython/ with identification
      • E.g., %run -i ".vscode/ipython/" # Section A (Line 1:10)
    • Added option to use to run code sections with %run -i or %load
      • Recommend %run -i for speed and clarity
      • NOTE: likely to deprecated usage of %load in a future release
  • Removed usage of clipboard option for sending code to terminal

    • It was hacky and intrusive


  • Added section dividers
  • Added an alpha feature runLineAndAdvance (#18)
  • Defaulting send code to file instead of clipboard


  • Fixed a minor bug with sending multi-line code on Linux


  • Added a SendCommandMethod setting with file or clipboard options
    • file: uses .vscode/ipython/ and %load to terminal
    • clipboard: prior method of copy-paste via system clipboard
  • Fixed a bug with calling ipython with an empty --InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines=''. See issue #21.


  • Fixed a bug with runSelection executing line-by-line on Linux instead of as a block (issue #17)
  • Always save file in runFile command so that %run magic works as intended
    • Other run commands (e.g., selection, toLine, fromLine) respect user choice
  • Added Move Cursor to Section Tag Above/Below
  • Added Run Arguments and Command Line Arguments for Run File variants
    • Default F5 to Run File with Command Line Arguments
      • If Command Line Arguments is empty, then it reduces to regular Run File
    • Added Shift+F5 to Run File with Run and Command Line Arguments
      • Defaulted Run Arguments to -t which prints %run timing
  • Fixed a bug with Run Section skipping last section line
  • Configuration applies immediately when changed instead of only when extension activated


  • Changed handling of code block from %load to directly sending it to terminal.
    • NOTE: sending large text block to IPython sometime causes it to reder incorrectly. If needed, use up-arrow-key to see actual code executed.
      • Restarting, creating a new IPython terminal, or resize it to be more vertical usually fixes the rendering issue.
  • Added run line at cursor
    • If runSelections is called and no text selected, then run the line the cursor is on.
    • This applies independently for each cursor (e.g., Alt+Click adds more cursors)
  • More details in issue #11 note


  • Changed execute() of python code ensuring an ExecLagMilliSec between every major enterKey pressed to IPython terminal.
    • User should adjust ExecLagMilliSec fitting their computer performance
  • Added ExecLagMilliSec configuration to help with sendText race condition
  • Added reset and run command


  • Added an 100ms between every command execution to alleviate sendText race condition



  • ipython.createTerminal startup commands and launch commands race condition



  • ipython.createTerminal not executing startup commands correctly


  • Handling of encoding # -*- coding: <encoding-name> -*- automatically when parsing code to send to IPython console
  • Added ipython.runToLine and ipython.runFromLine


  • Keybindings
  • Default settings
  • Various small bugs



  • Added keybinds (overwrite base interactive python and Jupyter)
    • Recommend rebind as needed
  • Added run section and go to next (ipython.runSectionAndMoveToNext)
  • Added customizable section block tag option
  • Other minor QoL


  • Fixed versioning number
  • Default settings
  • Various small bugs


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