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Complete Cucumber JVM4 Framework Example with Scenario Parallel Execution and more.

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Sample Cucumber Automation Project

This document can be found at : TBD

I. FW Overview

  • Ability to execute the tests in Test, Stage and Production Environment.
  • Ability to execute the tests in parallel with Scenario level.
  • Ability to execute the tests on different browsers.
  • Ability to execute all or selective tests (based on cucumber tag) through the command line.
  • Ability to share the data between the test steps.

Test Data:


The test automation framework is comprised of following tools and libraries

  • Cucumber-JVM + TestNG: BDD Framework
  • Step definitions with lambda expressions (cucumber-java8)
  • Page Object Pattern
  • Selenium: Browser automation tool
  • JAVA: Programming language
  • Maven: Build and dependencies tool
  • Spring: Dependency Injection
  • Git-Github: Version Control, Git repository hosted server
  • Intellij: Integrated Development Environment
  • AssertJ: Matcher's
  • cluecumber-report-plugin: Reporting
  • SLF4J Simple: Logger

II. How to run Test

  • Run by maven command line:
    • run all regression tests on Stage:

      mvn clean verify

    • run all smoke tests on Production :

      mvn clean -D cucumber.options='--tags @production --tags @smoke-test' -D testEvn=production verify

    • run test using specified browser:

      mvn clean -Dbrowser="firefox" verify (default is Chrome)

    • Run tests in parallel and generate report:

      mvn clean verify -Ddataproviderthreadcount=3

    • Rerun all failed tests: Changing the feature in @CucumberOptions to "features = {"@target/failed_scenarios.txt"}" then run:

      mvn verify (make sure not running with clean argument).

    • Run tests and take screenshot on failures and attach screenshots to report:

      mvn -DSCREENSHOT_ON_FAILURE="true" verify

  • Run by Test runner in IDE