Rush00 Tester (piscine) | 2020.10
Rush01 Tester (piscine) | 2020.10
문제 풀 때와 동료평가시 활용해보세요.
사용 방법
추가하고싶은 테스트 케이스가 있으면 PR이나 Issue로 남겨주세요! 언제나 환영입니다 :)
Use it for problem solving and peer evaluation.
How to use
If you have a test case you want to add, please leave it as a PR or Issue! It's always welcome :)
├── ft_putchar.c
├── rush00.c
├── rush01.c
├── rush02.c
├── rush03.c
├── rush04.c
├── _rush00-tester
| ├── _includes
| ├── _maps
| ├── _src
| ├── .gitignore
| └──
| └──
| ├── ...
└── ...
다음 파일들이 있는 폴더 안에 git clone
git clone
in the folder containing the following files.
ft_putchar.c rush00.c rush01.c rush02.c rush03.c rush04.c
git clone
cd rush00-tester
생성된 result 파일에 diff 기록이 생성됩니다. A diff record is created in the generated result file.
- Please refer to the guide at the bottom of the file first.
- There are function descriptions and how to use them.
- Function: customEvaluation, customEcho
# * < Function: customEvaluation >
# *
# * When adding a test case, use this function to add it.
# *
# * @param string The name of rush file to run.
# * @param int The first argument i in the rush(i, j) function.
# * @param int The second argument j in the rush(i, j) function.
# * @param int The name of the file to be saved.
# * It increases in order from 0, and add 1 value from the previous test case.
# * @return void
# *
# * < Function: customEcho >
# *
# * This function is used to display test cases by dividing them into sections.
# *
# * @param string The name of rush file to run.
# * @param string Please write the section to be printed
# * @return void
- Please check if there are any test cases that overlap with previous test cases.
# =================
# < Custom Rush0X >
# =================
- Add the test case to the appropriately named comment location. The comments are as above. Here is an additional example:
customEcho rush00 considerNegative
customEvaluation rush00 0 -1 0
- Add the test case output file to the maps/rush0X/custom folder at the last number.
- Please send PR including explanation and result screen.
- For other inquiries, please slack with holee. Thank you. :)
norminette -R CheckForbiddenSourceHeader
- Extend 121 testcases (11 x 11) | 2020.10
- Add negative testcases | 2020.10
holee |
ji-junhyuk 💬 |
기타 문의 사항은 Slack ID holee로 DM 주세요!