git clone
cd SourcePath
# as root :
make install
- log out and in again or
source /etc/profile
sourcepath [directory]
sourcepath ~/.config/bash/rc/
this means you can split your bashrc into multiple files: - only files with errors will not load everything else will - gives feedback on wich files did not load if any.
if everything loaded as expected :
if something went wrong , in this case the 5th file out of 8, (7/8 still loaded successfully)
invoked directly from commandline:
sourcepath --help
${FUNCNAME[0]} [-h]|[-iqd] [DIR] [MATCH]
<DIR> Directory to source files from.
<MATCH> Regex to match Files against. Globbing and Expansion follow Bash Settings
-h --help Show this help text
-i --nocase Ignore Case when matching
-q --quiet Quiet/Silent/Script, Dont produce any output
-d --debug Enable xtrace for this script
-w --warning Shows $WARNING
First argument to the function, the path to the directory holding the files
to be sourced into the current env. This folder is searched recursively.
for Matches (see [MATCH])
Second Argument to the function , is fed directly into 'grep -E ' for
matching filenames found in <DIR>, see [EXAMPLES] for common use cases.
the string that is matched against is the full (real) path of the files
- Source files in ~/.config/bashrc/ that end in '.bashrc'
...and (-q) do not produce any output:
sourcepath -q ~/.config/bashrc/ '.*\.bashrc'
- Source all files in '.env' starting with 'config' , Case-Insensitive
...this inlcudes 'CONFIG.cfg' 'conFig.conf' but not 'mycfg.config'
sourcepath -i .env '^config.*'
- Source all files in '~/.bash_aliasses/' starting with 2 numbers,
...followed by an '_'. this matches '00_file.alias' but not '99file'
sourcepath ~/.bash_aliasses/ '\/[0-9]{2}_.*$' :
-MATCH: '/[0-9]+[_-]*.*\.(sh|bash|bashrc|rc|conf|cfg)$'
-DIR: '\$PWD'
gitrepo : (CC) Hoefkens Jeroen