Check out this Mass DM repo too (it has more features)
- Logging User IDS
- Sending DMs (Embeds are supported) to the logged IDs
- Including User Data in the message
- user_mention = @user, user_id = 145243244131, user_discriminator = 1234, user_avatar = avatar of the user
- selfbot_mention = @selfbot, selfbot_id = 145243244131, selfbot_discriminator = 1234, selfbot_avatar = avatar of the selfbot
- Blacklist User IDs (add the ID of the User you don't want to dm inside of the blacklistedids.json file) [OPTIONAL]
- Blacklist Servers (You have to add the Server IDs to the blacklistedservers.json file) [OPTIONAL]
- Whitelist Servers (You have to add the Server IDs to the whitelistedservers.json file) [OPTIONAL]
- Multiple Tokens [OPTIONAL]
- Please don't forget to leave a star βοΈ.
- Connect with me:
- Your account needs a Phone Number verification for using this
- Do not use your main account
- Accounts with 2fa don't get flagged quick
- This Repo is based on this one: