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jumpfiles - get more done in fewer keystrokes

Version Bounties Gitter

Jumpfiles are a set of Bash and Cue files loaded into your shell. They provide you with "quick key" commands for common patterns and sequences. While originally used for moving around a filesystem, we have found ourselves using this for far more complex tasks like building a tool from anywhere or managing ephemeral kubernetes environments.

Two important design considerations in Jumpfiles are:

  1. It should be easy to capture, preserve, share, and start using "quick keys" for common tasks
  2. The tool should understand the context of your command and provide switches on top of named defaults

The overall goal is to help developers leverage and maintain consistent and highly productive workspaces. We are largely Kubernetes based, so expect a lot of awesomeness around that.


  • quickly create, refresh, and run terminal "quick keys" for common commands, patterns, and sequiences
  • leaps helps you jump around the filesystem, run a command from anywhere, and chain them together
  • devenv helps you launch ephemeral development environments on VMs or Kubernetes
  • keep yourself safer and only expose secret environment variables when a command is run and needs them, good for non-sensative context values as well
  • create sharable, named configurations. devenv merges three configuration sets to understand your context
    • auth - cloud and project configuration, especially useful for working with multiple accounts across many clouds and projects
    • runtime - captures the commonalities and differences from cloud -> k8s/vm -> named setup to provide the consistent environment across cloud platforms
    • scripts - enables the behavior, or implements the commands. These also capture overlap and differences in the way these things need to happen
    • devenv - commands inspect the flags and defaults to construct a context for a call
    • custom - all of the above is customizable and can plug into the hof jumpfile installation so you can add your personal touch while still benefiting from upstream changes
  • builtin Jumpfiles
    • j: the baseline jumpfile. j J will jump you to this repository on your system
    • c: common cue commands and many directory jumps for cue dev work
    • h: jumpfile for the hof tool with many extras
    • g: gcloud jumpfile, largely for managing account context. Really helpful for contractors and those who are in many GCP accounts on a daily basis
    • d: or devenv is an advanced jumpfile (and supporting cue code) for ephemeral Kubernetes clusters and cloud vm development environments

Powered by for type safe scripting and the importable modules and growing ecosystem.

The J Jumpfile

This is the base jumpfile. It has 3 cases which make for a good UX. Quickly view, edit, extend, and reload your jumpfiles.

# Within this file all ENV variables need to have a unique (shared) prefix.
# The typical patter is to match the command letter, filename, and prefix the same.
# System wide variables belong in the bases or overlay directory.

# This directory (leaps) - here we can use the same prefix arcross files at the same level (different dirs still require different prefixes, which is why we do it)
JDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
# Source the common config
source $JDIR/../

# Leap specific ENV vars

# Our main "jumpfile" or leap, the one letter command to get stuff done
# We actually use a longer name here and alias later so you can override it
function j_orig () {
# Grab the first arg, then shift and switch
# TODO, consider adding getops here too
  shift 1
  case $ARG in

  # This secrion is key to the jumpfile, it enables you to
  # quickly view, open, edit, save, and refresh the settings
  # enabling easy recording of repeated or short-term commands

  # Simply cat out the file as a help command and avoid doc drift
  "?" | help           ) cat $J_JUMP_FILE_LOCATION ;;

  # Edit this file from anywhere, when you are done save and reload
  # Your editor is defined in
  E | edit             ) $JUMP_EDITOR $J_JUMP_FILE_LOCATION ;;

  # Refresh the settings in the current terminal
  R | reload | refresh ) source $J_JUMP_FILE_LOCATION ;;

  # jump to the source directory (repo root on your system)
  J | jump             ) cd $JDIR/.. ;;

  #####  This is a starter template for other leap files, see the my neighbors for examples of what you can put here

    echo "unknown jump '$1'"
    echo "use: 'j ?' for help"
    echo "or:  'j E' to edit"
    echo "and: 'j R' to reload"

# export our orig name so that others can extend them in their customizations without the need to edit this file
export -f j_orig

# alias to our preferred shortie
alias j="j_orig"


  1. Clone repository
  2. Run install
git clone
./jumpfiles/ [location]

By default, location is $HOME/.profile


There are three files in your home directory where you can hook into the Jumpfile system.

  • - anything you want loaded with new terminal sessions
  • - for non-sensitive, per-run command context not normally needed
  • - for secret and sensative information, the same as config but intentionally separated

Hofstadter Jumpfiles also makes it easy to create your own jumpfiles. For this, we will be making a separate repository and adding our entrypoint to the hook.

# Start a new directory
cd $HOME
mkdir -p my-jumps/leaps

# Copy jumpfile
cp jumpfile/leaps/ my-jumps/leaps/  # get your mind out of the gutter....

# Add the jumpfile to your $HOME/ 
echo '. $HOME/my-jumps/leaps/' >> $HOME/

When you first start editing this file, you will need to do the following things:

  • Change JDIR to something unique, this is the leapfile directory and the same across all of your custom leaps, but unique between leap (pads?) directories
  • Change J_JUMP_FILE_LOCATION, similar to JDIR, but unique across ALL jumpfiles
  • Change the shortcut name to your preferences, you will also likely want to remove the J subcommand or repoint to your new repo
  • Git init and push. We highly recommend you keep your jumps in version control. You will be able to receive regular updates from us, and if you have a cool addition, we love PRs!

Working with Jumpfiles

One of the main benefits to Jumpfiles is the ability to quickly add and start using commands you'd like to shorten to a few keystrokes.

Here are some common command sequences we find ourselves doing.

# On a per Jumpfile basis
$ ... some long command ... # copy!
$ h E                       # open our jumpfile in neovim, paste command with new 1-2 char shortcut, ":x" to save and close
$ h R                       # refresh this particular jumpfile, each jumpfile has these same commands
$ h __                      # profit 🤑

# For the jumpfile system (since there's actually a few file classes now)
$ j J                       # Jump to our jumpfile repository
$ n                         # open the current directory in neovim

# (in another terminal)
$ ... try out whatever it is we are working on ( and generally modifying cue code are good examples)
$ jumpfile-refresh          # the 'j' Jumpfile exposes a full refresh command
$ ... try again, repeat as needed

You can find many examples in this repository's leaps/* files. Here are a few we find ourselves using:

# jump to a directory, and maybe subdir if args
h  | hof    ) cd $HOFBASE/hof/$@ ;;

# run a command leveraging variables
login | ssh )
    gcloud compute ssh $VM_NAME \
      --project $PROJECT \
      --zone $ZONE \

# to run a number of other jumpfile shortcuts
# (taken from leaps/devenv, devenv_jump is a helper to jump to a directory with certain files in it

  launch )
    devenv boot
    devenv creds
    devenv addon logmon
    devenv addon psql-oper
    devenv addon _saas

  start | new | boot )
    devenv_jump cue cmd $@ start

  creds )
    devenv_jump cue cmd $@ creds

  addon )
    shift 1
    devenv_jump cue cmd -t addon=$1 $@ install

Make money contributing to Hofstadter repositories

Our own heart and start is in open source and we can now give back to others who might follow a similar path. We want to support the freelance, open source developer community so we have made several bounties available on this repository.

Please have a look at the issues. If you find something of interest and want to work on earning the bounty:

  • comment on the issue, chat with us on gitter, or send us an email.
  • we'll expand the description, come to an agreement about the scope, and assign an appropriate reward
  • the bounties you see are estimates and are up for both negotiation and competitive bidding, on a case-by-case basis
  • once agreement is reached, we will make this formal with a contract and payment method setup

Please talk to us before beginning work. We will consider but make no commitment to make payment for work that was not corrdinated and formalized.

Also, if you find something you'd like to work on in another repository, or one that does not exist yet, we're all about it, so get in touch!