Hognose RC2
Hognose RC2:
Changes since Hognose RC1:
- Config.txt: simplify debug selection using os_prefix
- Tube: Fix a bug that broke tube detection (#156)
- Pi 3A+/3B+ Set arm_freq to 1200MHz to avoid soft temp limit (#154)
- Pi 4: Fix cache issues with self modifying code (#151) (#152)
- All: Generate fresh Pi info string on demand (inc. latest temps and speeds) and don't zero pad
- 6502/65815 Co Pro: Include Co Pro number/name in SPHERE REM (#148)
- 6502/65816 Co Pro: Indicate current Co Pro in CALL &2000 (#148)
- 6502 Co Pro: Update Dormann tests to latest, include listing and both 6502 and 65C02 versions
- 6502 Co Pro: Fix bank select issue on Pi 4 (fixes #150)
- 65816 Co Pro: Include test programs
- lib6502 Co Pro: fix Z flag bug in ASL (#153)
- JIT 6502 Co Pro: Support indirect access to IO addresses (e.g. ?&FEF8=65) (#149)
- Native ARM Co Pro: Indicate current Co Pro in *HELP COPROS (#148)
- PDP-11 Co Pro - show halted state in debugger regs command (#157)
- PDP-11 Co Pro - fix panic() hanging the Pi (#157)
- Null Co Pro: wait for reset before exiting
- Frame Buffer: Include Co Pro number/name in VDU Splash Screen (#148)
- Frame Buffer: Correct offset in font 24 (small)
- Frame Buffer: Fix bug in host side OSWRCH redirector (thanks JGH)
- Frame Buffer: VDU 1 should swallow the next character (thanks JGH)
- Frame Buffer: Improvements to the Spash Screen