Compile Conkitty Templates
npm install gulp-conkitty --save-dev
var conkitty = require('gulp-conkitty');
gulp.task('conkitty', function() {
// Compile *.ctpl template files to common.js and tpl.js.
return gulp.src(['./**/*.ctpl'])
.pipe(conkitty({common: 'common.js', templates: 'tpl.js'}))
Example with dependencies (here is actual example) and source map
var conkitty = require('gulp-conkitty');
var gulpFilter = require('gulp-filter');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
gulp.task('conkitty', function() {
var cssFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.css');
var jsFilter = gulpFilter(['**/*.js', '!tpl.js']); // Everything except tpl.js.
return gulp.src(['./src/**/*.ctpl'])
// As the result of Conkitty plugin we get templates commons
// (in common.js), compiled templates themselves (in tpl.js), and
// declared in templates dependencies (because deps setting is true).
common: 'common.js',
templates: 'tpl.js',
sourcemap: '',
deps: true // Append external templates dependencies to the result.
// Concat all css files to bundle deps.css.
// Concat all js files except for tpl.js to bundle deps.js.
.pipe(gulp.dest('./build')); // Copy deps.css, deps.js, tpl.js and to ./build.
In order to prevent destructivity, every file created by gulp-conkitty
should point somewhere inside current working directory:
.pipe(conkitty({templates: 'tpl.js'})) // is ok
// but
.pipe(conkitty({templates: '../tpl.js'})) // will throw an exception.
It is possible to rebase dependencies from outside your working directory.
Let's say we have project structure like this:
.btn {background: red;}
button $title
CALL button "Hello world"
gulp.task('conkitty', function() {
return gulp.src(['./page.ctpl', '../lib/button.ctpl'])
templates: 'tpl.js',
deps: true
And we run gulp
from /root/myproj
[gulp] Error in plugin 'gulp-conkitty': File `../lib/button.css` is outside current working directory
To fix that, we need to rebase outside dependencies and instead of deps: true
in gulpfile.js
add rebase map:
templates: 'tpl.js',
deps: {'../lib': './outerlib/'}
After that, gulp
will run conkitty
task fine and /root/myproj/build
directory will look like:
You can rebase multiple directories from outside your working directory and use relative and absolute paths.
There is a bit of syntax sugar to add external libraries of templates.
templates: 'tpl.js',
deps: true, // sould be enabled.
libs: {
// We could have npm package with library of templates.
superlib: require('mysuperlib')
In this example require('mysuperlib')
should return an object with two
should be an absolute path to library's base directoryrequire('mysuperlib').FILES
should be an array of paths to template files.
file structure could look like:
module.exports = {
BASE: __dirname, // Actual path to index.js.
FILES: ['mysuperlib1.ctpl', 'mysuperlib2.ctpl']
Dependencies of external library (if any) will be rebased using libs
templates: 'tpl.js',
deps: true,
libs: {
superlib: require('mysuperlib'), // Dependencies will go to `superlib/*`
'complex/path/lib': require('mysuperlib2') // Dependencies will go to `complex/path/lib/*`
By default concat.js is built in common file. You can exclude concat.js from common file:
gulp.task('conkitty', function() {
// Compile *.ctpl template files to common.js and tpl.js.
return gulp.src(['./**/*.ctpl'])
common: {file: 'common.js', 'concat.js': false},
templates: 'tpl.js'
You can pass environment object for precompile expressions:
gulp.task('conkitty', function() {
// Compile *.ctpl template files to common.js and tpl.js, pass environment
// object for precompile expressions.
return gulp.src(['./**/*.ctpl'])
env: {prop1: 111, prop2: 'dark', prop3: true},
common: 'common.js',
templates: 'tpl.js',