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Dialect Push Notifications

Jason Schorr edited this page Apr 19, 2022 · 2 revisions


Dialect notified through their API when an offer is made on an NFT through Auction House.

// Insert example dialect api call


Bid Receipts

  • When an offer is made a bid_receipt is inserted into the database with a created_at timestamp.
  • When an offer is canceled the bid_receipt is update with a canceled_at timestample.
  • When an offer is accepted the purchase_receipt is associated to the bid_receipt through its purchase_receipt column.


POST /v1/wallets/notify
  "type": enum("NFT_OFFER", ...),
  "data": object - object typed strictly to the enum type
      "pubkeyBidder", // for notification enrichment (replace pubkey with alias/cardinal)

Authorization: Basic <base64(login:pass)> - going with basic


  • When indexer receives a new public_bid from Metaplx auction house API call made to dialect with the contents of the offer (or enough info from them to query the offer through the Holaplex Graph API).
  • Only notify dialect when the public_bid is processed for the first time.


  • Can Dialect subscribe to GraphQL events over websocket? No. Holaplex make REST API call to Dialect.


  • When a Holaplex feed event is record for the offer the contents of the offer_event is pushed to Dialect through their API.
  • Dialect then queries the complete details of the offer using the bid_receipt_address stored in the event.
create type offereventlifecycle as ENUM('Created', 'Cancelled');

create table offer_events (
  bid_receipt_address varchar(48) not null unique,
  feed_event_id uuid not null,
  primary key (bid_receipt_address, feed_event_id),
  foreign key (feed_event_id) references feed_events (id),
  foreign key (bid_receipt_address) references bid_receipts (address),
  lifecycle offereventlifecycle  not null


  • Make API call to Dialect when writing a offer_event
  • Show query root field for offers
query {
  offer(address: "{bid_receipt_address}") {
    seller {
      profile {
    buyer {
      profile {
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