A visual demo of the color refinement algorithm.
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- For offline use, you will need to download the external resources loaded at the top of index.html, and change the paths correspondingly.
The color refinement algorithm is a heuristic method to detect whether two graphs are isomorphic (see, e.g., [GKMS17+]). It is also known as the 1-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm.
For local development, install your favorite JavaScript toolkit, such as bun. Then install the dependencies and start the development server:
bun install --frozen-lockfile
bun dev
Run prettier to format the code:
bun format
Run eslint to check the code for errors:
bun lint
[GKMS17+] Martin Grohe, Kristian Kersting, Martin Mladenov, and Pascal Schweitzer. Color Refinement and its Applications. In An Introduction to Lifted Probabilistic Inference. Cambridge University Press. To appear. (preprint url)