Customizable draggable tree component for Vue.js.
npm i sl-vue-tree
Support for Vue3 coming soon. Check out sl-vue-tree-next while that is being shaped up.
<div id="app">
<sl-vue-tree v-model="nodes" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/sl-vue-tree-dark.css">
<script src="dist/sl-vue-tree.js"></script>
var nodes = [
{ title: 'Item1', isLeaf: true },
{ title: 'Item2', isLeaf: true, data: { visible: false } },
{ title: 'Folder1' },
title: 'Folder2',
isExpanded: true,
children: [
{ title: 'Item3', isLeaf: true },
{ title: 'Item4', isLeaf: true }
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: { SlVueTree },
data: function () {
return {
nodes: nodes
The value
property is an array of ISlTreeNodeModel
interface ISlTreeNodeModel<TDataType> {
title: string;
isLeaf?: boolean;
children?: ISlTreeNodeModel<TDataType>[];
isExpanded?: boolean;
isSelected?: boolean;
isDraggable?: boolean;
isSelectable?: boolean;
data?: TDataType; // any serializable user data
For convenience, the component's events return ISlTreeNode
objects. These are actually ISlTreeNodeModel
instances with some computed properties:
interface ISlTreeNode<TDataType> extends ISlTreeNodeModel<TDataType> {
isFirstChild: boolean;
isLastChild: boolean;
isVisible: boolean; // node is visible if all of its parents are expanded
level: number; // nesting level
ind: number; // index in the array of siblings
path: number[]; // path to node as an array of indexes, e.g., [2, 0, 1] is the path to `Item4` in the example above
pathStr: string; // serialized path to node
children: ISlTreeNode<TDataType>[];
You can get the list of ISlTreeNode
objects from the computed slVueTree.nodes
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
value | ISlTreeNodeModel[] | [] |
An array of nodes to display. Each node is represented by the ISlTreeNodeModel interface. |
allowMultiselect | Boolean | true |
Enables or disables the multiselect feature. |
allowToggleBranch | Boolean | true |
Enables or disables the expand/collapse button. |
edgeSize | Number | 3 |
Offset in pixels from the top and bottom of a folder-node element. While dragging, if the cursor is within this offset, the dragged node will be placed before or after the folder-node instead of inside it. |
scrollAreaHeight | Number | 70 |
Offset in pixels from the top and bottom of the component element. While dragging, if the cursor is within this area, scrolling starts. |
maxScrollSpeed | Number | 20 |
The maximum scroll speed. The scroll speed is relative to the cursor position. |
multiselectKey | String or String[] | ['ctrlKey', 'metaKey'] |
The keys for enabling multiselect mode. Allowed values are 'ctrlKey' , 'metaKey' , 'altKey' . |
Property | Type | Description |
nodes | ISlTreeNode[] | List of nodes with computed properties. See the ISlTreeNode interface. |
cursorPosition | ICursorPosition | Represents the current cursor position that describes the action to be applied to the dragged node on the mouseup event. See the ICursorPosition interface. |
selectionSize | Number | The count of selected nodes. |
dragSize | Number | The count of selected and draggable nodes. |
isDragging | Boolean | Indicates whether nodes are currently being dragged. |
interface ICursorPosition<TDataType> {
node: ISlTreeNode<TDataType>;
placement: 'before' | 'inside' | 'after';
Event | Callback Arguments | Description |
input | nodes: ISlTreeNodeModel[] |
Triggered whenever the value property changes. |
select | selectedNodes: ISlTreeNode[] , event: MouseEvent |
Triggered when a node is selected or deselected. |
toggle | toggledNode: ISlTreeNode , event: MouseEvent |
Triggered when a node is expanded or collapsed. |
drop | draggingNodes: ISlTreeNode[] , position: ICursorPosition , event: MouseEvent |
Triggered when dragged nodes are dropped. |
nodeclick | node: ISlTreeNode , event: MouseEvent |
Handles the click event on a node. |
nodedblclick | node: ISlTreeNode , event: MouseEvent |
Handles the dblclick event on a node. |
nodecontextmenu | node: ISlTreeNode , event: MouseEvent |
Handles the contextmenu event on a node. |
externaldrop | cursorPosition: ICursorPosition , event: MouseEvent |
Handles the drop event for external items. Demo |
Method | Description |
getNode(path: number[]): ISlTreeNode | Finds a node by its path. |
traverse(callback: (node: ISlTreeNode, nodeModel: ISlTreeNodeModel, siblings: ISlTreeNodeModel[]) => boolean) | Traverses all nodes. Traversing stops if the callback returns false . |
updateNode(path: number[], patch: Partial) | Updates a node by its path. |
select(path: number[], addToSelection = false) | Selects a node by its path. |
getNodeEl(path: number[]): HTMLElement | Gets the node's HTMLElement by its path. |
getSelected(): ISlTreeNode[] | Gets the selected nodes. |
insert(position: ICursorPosition, nodeModel: ISlTreeNodeModel) | Inserts a node at the specified cursor position. |
remove(paths: number[][]) | Removes nodes by their paths, e.g., .remove([[0,1], [0,2]]) . |
getFirstNode(): ISlTreeNode | Gets the first node in the tree. |
getLastNode(): ISlTreeNode | Gets the last node in the tree. |
getNextNode(path: number[], filter?: (node: ISlTreeNode) => boolean): ISlTreeNode | Gets the next node. You can skip nodes by using the filter function. |
getPrevNode(path: number[], filter?: (node: ISlTreeNode) => boolean): ISlTreeNode | Gets the previous node. You can skip nodes by using the filter function. |
Slot | Context | Description |
title | ISlTreeNode | Slot for customizing the item title. |
toggle | ISlTreeNode | Slot for the expand/collapse button. |
sidebar | ISlTreeNode | Slot for sidebar content. |
draginfo | SlVueTree | Slot that follows the mouse cursor while dragging. By default, shows the count of dragging nodes. |
empty-node | ISlTreeNode | Slot for an optional message when a folder is open but empty. |
<sl-vue-tree v-model="nodes">
<template slot="title" slot-scope="{ node }">
<span class="item-icon">
<i class="fa fa-file" v-if="node.isLeaf"></i>
<i class="fa fa-folder" v-else></i>
{{ node.title }}
slVueTree.traverse((node, nodeModel, path) => {
Vue.set(nodeModel, 'isSelected', true);
You must include a babel-polyfill for the component to work correctly in IE11.
- Fixed TypeScript definitions. See #77.
- Added
method. See #39.
- Enabled the ability to disable or enable the expand/collapse button. See #33.
- Added IE11 support. See #17.
- Added
- Added
- Added
- Added
methods. See #6.
- Improved dropping at the bottom of the tree. See #5.
- Added
method. - Fixed