First, install the dependencies:
- Nextflow (
- FastQC (
- Skewer (
- BWA (
- Samblaster (
- Samtools (
- STAR aligner (
- Freebayes (
- htslib (
- vcflib (
- bedtools2 (
- GNU parallel (should have a package in your Linux distribution)
Then, clone the repository:
# git clone
And run the pipelines
# nextflow run \
--dataDir $HOME/Data/2015_03_11_triple_cohort/wes_tumor \
--runID MM065_wes_tumor \
--runPlatform Illumina \
-resume \
# nextflow run \
--dataDir $HOME/Data/2015_03_11_triple_cohort/wes_blood \
--runID MM065_wes_blood \
--runPlatform Illumina \
-resume \
# nextflow run \
--runID MM065_rna_tumor \
--runPlatform Illumina \
--dataDir $HOME/Data/2015_03_11_triple_cohort/rna_tumor \
-resume \
# nextflow run \
--dataDir $HOME/Data/2015_03_11_triple_cohort/variant_calling \
--inputBam $HOME/Data/2015_03_11_triple_cohort/wes_tumor/bam/MM065_wes_tumor.bam:$HOME/Data/2015_03_11_triple_cohort/wes_blood/bam/MM065_wes_blood.bam \
--poolID MM065_wes_tumor.MM065_wes_blood \
-resume \
The pipeline expects to have one project directory (2015_03_11_triple_cohort
in the example above) with one sub-directory for each sequenced sample (wes_blood
, wes_tumor
, and rna_tumor
For the input, each sample folder should have a subdirectory fastq/original
in which the original FASTQ files reside. Currently, only paired reads are supported, the left reads ("first read in pair") should have a name matching the pattern *_1.fastq.gz
or *_R1.fastq.gz
. The second read should then have the name ${NAME}_2.fastq.gz
or ${NAME}_R2.fastq.gz
where ${NAME}
is the prefix of the first read. There can be multiple read pairs in the input directory.
`-- fastq
`-- original
After running both the alignment and the variant calling, the resulting folder structure will look as follows:
|-- rna_tumor
| |-- bam
| |-- fastq
| | |-- original
| | `-- trimmed
| `-- reports
| |-- alignment
| |-- fastqc-original
| |-- fastqc-trimmed
| |-- split_at_n
| `-- trimming
|-- variant_calling
| `-- vcf
|-- wes_blood
| |-- bam
| |-- fastq
| | |-- original
| | `-- trimmed
| `-- reports
| |-- fastqc-original
| |-- fastqc-trimmed
| `-- trimming
`-- wes_tumor
|-- bam
|-- fastq
| |-- original
| `-- trimmed
`-- reports
|-- fastqc-original
|-- fastqc-trimmed
`-- trimming
For each sample, the following subdirectories exist:
FASTQ files after adapter trimming.bam
Aligned reads in BAM format.reports
Logs from the trimming/alignment and QC reports.
Also, there is the folder variant_calling
in the project main directory that contains a vcf
folder that has the overall calls and calls filtered down to the UCSC and CCDS exons.