- This is a dog classification competition held by Baidu. Further information at http://js.baidu.com/
- Geforce GTX TITANX 12G
- Intel® Core™ i7-6700 CPU
- Memory 16G
- Operate system Ubuntu 14.04
- Download the images from Baidu Cloud
- Training Set: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1slLOqBz Key: 5axb
- Test set: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfaf9rt Key:fl5n
- Put the images into diffrent directory by their class labels. Refer to altoFolders.py for doing this.
- Take 20% of the labeled data for validation. Refer to divforValidation.py.
- VGG19 for deep feature extraction, which is provided in keras models.
- InceptionV3 for deep feature extraction, which is provided in keras models.
- Softmax for classification.
- Predict the classes for unlabeled data one by one refering to predict_onebyone and by generator refering to predict_bygenerator.by.
Feel free to contact me if you have any issues or better ideas about anything.
by Holy