Additional features for the Towny plugin such as: information signs about cities and nations, leading nation.
- PlaceholderAPI
- DiscordSRV
- BetonQuest
In town-sign-lines
and nation-sign-lines
you can set info
which will be displayed in signs from
and nation-signs
It can have any number of signs vertically.
Right click on sign will teleport player to spawn point if town/nation is open and spawn is set.
If this option is set:
nation-status-update-time: '18:00'
then in this time status of leader nation will be updated and
nation which have the largest count of residents in controlled
cities become to leader nation.
In this section you can specify reward for capture or holding this status:
money: 1000
main-points: 5
- isnationmain
- isnationadmin
- istownadmin
- isnationhasmainpoints
- changenationpoints
- is player nation is main.%ti_nationmainpoints%
- count of main nation points.